Definition of presence

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Presence (n.) The place in which one is present; the part of space within one's ken, call, influence, etc.; neighborhood without the intervention of anything that forbids intercourse..

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Semen :: Semen (n.) The seed or fecundating fluid of male animals; sperm. It is a white or whitish viscid fluid secreted by the testes, characterized by the presence of spermatozoids to which it owes its generative power..
Sitting :: Sitting (n.) The actual presence or meeting of any body of men in their seats, clothed with authority to transact business; a session; as, a sitting of the judges of the King's Bench, or of a commission..
Meet :: Meet (v. t.) To come into the presence of without contact; to come close to; to intercept; to come within the perception, influence, or recognition of; as, to meet a train at a junction; to meet carriages or persons in the street; to meet friends at a party; sweet sounds met the ear..
Ozonoscopic :: Ozonoscopic (a.) Serving to indicate the presence or the amount of ozone.
Parting :: Parting (n.) Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae..
Face :: Face (n.) Presence; sight; front; as in the phrases, before the face of, in the immediate presence of; in the face of, before, in, or against the front of; as, to fly in the face of danger; to the face of, directly to; from the face of, from the presence of..
Spherulitic :: Spherulitic (a.) Of or pertaining to a spherulite; characterized by the presence of spherulites.
Faruncular :: Faruncular (a.) Of or pertaining to a furuncle; marked by the presence of furuncles.
Omnipresency :: Omnipresency (n.) Omnipresence.
Cholaemaa :: Cholaemaa (n.) A disease characterized by severe nervous symptoms, dependent upon the presence of the constituents of the bile in the blood..
Chondrite :: Chondrite (n.) A meteoric stone characterized by the presence of chondrules.
Porphyritic :: Porphyritic (a.) Relating to, or resembling, porphyry, that is, characterized by the presence of distinct crystals, as of feldspar, quartz, or augite, in a relatively fine-grained base, often aphanitic or cryptocrystalline..
Totipresent :: Totipresent (a.) Omnipresence.
Phlyctenular :: Phlyctenular (a.) Characterized by the presence of small pustules, or whitish elevations resembling pustules; as, phlyctenular ophthalmia..
Pluripresence :: Pluripresence (n.) Presence in more places than one.
Privately :: Privately (adv.) In a private manner; not openly; without the presence of others.
Bloated :: Bloated (p. a.) Distended beyond the natural or usual size, as by the presence of water, serum, etc.; turgid; swollen; as, a bloated face. Also, puffed up with pride; pompous..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) Personal presence; exhibition of the person; look; aspect; mien.
Personally :: Personally (adv.) In a personal manner; by bodily presence; in person; not by representative or substitute; as, to deliver a letter personally..
Presently :: Presently (adv.) With actual presence; actually .
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