Defecation :: Defecation (n.) The act of separating from impurities, as lees or dregs; purification..
Defecation :: Defecation (n.) The act or process of voiding excrement.
Defecator :: Defecator (n.) That which cleanses or purifies; esp., an apparatus for removing the feculencies of juices and sirups..
Defect :: Defect (n.) Want or absence of something necessary for completeness or perfection; deficiency; -- opposed to superfluity.
Defect :: Defect (n.) Failing; fault; imperfection, whether physical or moral; blemish; as, a defect in the ear or eye; a defect in timber or iron; a defect of memory or judgment..
Defect :: Defect (v. i.) To fail; to become deficient.
Defectible :: Defectible (a.) Liable to defect; imperfect.
Defection :: Defection (n.) Act of abandoning a person or cause to which one is bound by allegiance or duty, or to which one has attached himself; desertion; failure in duty; a falling away; apostasy; backsliding..
Defectionist :: Defectionist (n.) One who advocates or encourages defection.
Defectious :: Defectious (a.) Having defects; imperfect.
Defective :: Defective (a.) Wanting in something; incomplete; lacking a part; deficient; imperfect; faulty; -- applied either to natural or moral qualities; as, a defective limb; defective timber; a defective copy or account; a defective character; defective rules..
Defective :: Defective (a.) Lacking some of the usual forms of declension or conjugation; as, a defective noun or verb..