Definition of defect

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Defect (v. t.) To injure; to damage.

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Defectionist :: Defectionist (n.) One who advocates or encourages defection.
Doubt :: Doubt (v. i.) A fluctuation of mind arising from defect of knowledge or evidence; uncertainty of judgment or mind; unsettled state of opinion concerning the reality of an event, or the truth of an assertion, etc.; hesitation..
Vice :: Vice (n.) A moral fault or failing; especially, immoral conduct or habit, as in the indulgence of degrading appetites; customary deviation in a single respect, or in general, from a right standard, implying a defect of natural character, or the result of training and habits; a harmful custom; immorality; depravity; wickedness; as, a life of vice; the vice of intemperance..
Vitiate :: Vitiate (v. t.) To make vicious, faulty, or imperfect; to render defective; to injure the substance or qualities of; to impair; to contaminate; to spoil; as, exaggeration vitiates a style of writing; sewer gas vitiates the air..
Strabotomy :: Strabismus (n.) An affection of one or both eyes, in which the optic axes can not be directed to the same object, -- a defect due either to undue contraction or to undue relaxation of one or more of the muscles which move the eyeball; squinting; cross-eye..
Rehibition :: Rehibition (n.) The returning of a thing purchased to the seller, on the ground of defect or frand..
Thick Wind :: Thick wind () A defect of respiration in a horse, that is unassociated with noise in breathing or with the signs of emphysema..
Metacism :: Metacism (n.) A defect in pronouncing the letter m, or a too frequent use of it..
Flaw :: Flaw (n.) A crack or breach; a gap or fissure; a defect of continuity or cohesion; as, a flaw in a knife or a vase..
Clear :: Clear (superl.) Without defect or blemish, such as freckles or knots; as, a clear complexion; clear lumber..
Urethroplasty :: Urethroplasty (n.) An operation for the repair of an injury or a defect in the walls of the urethra.
Mar :: Mar (v.) To make defective; to do injury to, esp. by cutting off or defacing a part; to impair; to disfigure; to deface..
Radically :: Radically (adv.) In a radical manner; at, or from, the origin or root; fundamentally; as, a scheme or system radically wrong or defective..
Sound :: Sound (superl.) Founded in law; legal; valid; not defective; as, a sound title to land..
Anury :: Anury (n.) Nonsecretion or defective secretion of urine; ischury.
Failure :: Failure (n.) Cessation of supply, or total defect; a failing; deficiency; as, failure of rain; failure of crops..
Weakness :: Weakness (n.) That which is a mark of lack of strength or resolution; a fault; a defect.
Diminution :: Diminution (n.) Omission, inaccuracy, or defect in a record..
Flaw :: Flaw (n.) A defect; a fault; as, a flaw in reputation; a flaw in a will, in a deed, or in a statute..
Blemish :: Blemish (v. t.) To mark with deformity; to injure or impair, as anything which is well formed, or excellent; to mar, or make defective, either the body or mind..
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