Definition of island

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Island (v. t.) To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an island or islands of; to isle.

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Pollucite :: Pollucite (n.) A colorless transparent mineral, resembling quartz, occurring with castor or castorite on the island of Elba. It is a silicate of alumina and caesia. Called also pollux..
Sumpter :: Sumpitan (n.) A kind of blowgun for discharging arrows, -- used by the savages of Borneo and adjacent islands..
Ey :: Ey (n.) An island.
Lesbian :: Lesbian (a.) Of or pertaining to the island anciently called Lesbos, now Mitylene, in the Grecian Archipelago..
Main :: Main (v.) The continent, as distinguished from an island; the mainland..
Thule :: Thule (n.) The name given by ancient geographers to the northernmost part of the habitable world. According to some, this land was Norway, according to others, Iceland, or more probably Mainland, the largest of the Shetland islands; hence, the Latin phrase ultima Thule, farthest Thule..
Ledgy :: Ledgy (a.) Abounding in ledges; consisting of a ledge or reef; as, a ledgy island..
Lost :: Lost (v. t.) Not perceptible to the senses; no longer visible; as, an island lost in a fog; a person lost in a crowd..
Desert :: Desert (a.) Of or pertaining to a desert; forsaken; without life or cultivation; unproductive; waste; barren; wild; desolate; solitary; as, they landed on a desert island..
Macassar Oil :: Macassar oil () A kind of oil formerly used in dressing the hair; -- so called because originally obtained from Macassar, a district of the Island of Celebes. Also, an imitation of the same, of perfumed castor oil and olive oil..
Bowenite :: Bowenite (n.) A hard, compact variety of serpentine found in Rhode Island. It is of a light green color and resembles jade..
Breadfruit :: Breadfruit (n.) The fruit of a tree (Artocarpus incisa) found in the islands of the Pacific, esp. the South Sea islands. It is of a roundish form, from four to six or seven inches in diameter, and, when baked, somewhat resembles bread, and is eaten as food, whence the name..
Negritos :: Negritos (n. pl.) A degraded Papuan race, inhabiting Luzon and some of the other east Indian Islands. They resemble negroes, but are smaller in size. They are mostly nomads..
Insular :: Insular (n.) An islander.
Friesic :: Friesic (n.) The language of the Frisians, a Teutonic people formerly occupying a large part of the coast of Holland and Northwestern Germany. The modern dialects of Friesic are spoken chiefly in the province of Friesland, and on some of the islands near the coast of Germany and Denmark..
Gyrfalcon :: Gyrfalcon (n.) One of several species and varieties of large Arctic falcons, esp. Falco rusticolus and the white species F. Islandicus, both of which are circumpolar. The black and the gray are varieties of the former. See Illust. of Accipiter..
Eyght :: Eyght (n.) An island. See Eyot.
Fig :: Fig (n.) A small fruit tree (Ficus Carica) with large leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands..
Mainland :: Mainland (n.) The continent; the principal land; -- opposed to island, or peninsula..
Gomuti :: Gomuti (n.) A black, fibrous substance resembling horsehair, obtained from the leafstalks of two kinds of palms, Metroxylon Sagu, and Arenga saccharifera, of the Indian islands. It is used for making cordage. Called also ejoo..
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