Antiphrasis :: Antiphrasis (n.) The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice is called a court of vengeance.
Cataphract :: Cataphract (n.) Defensive armor used for the whole body and often for the horse, also, esp. the linked mail or scale armor of some eastern nations..
Cataphract :: Cataphract (n.) A horseman covered with a cataphract.
Cataphract :: Cataphract (n.) The armor or plate covering some fishes.
Cataphracted :: Cataphracted (a.) Covered with a cataphract, or armor of plates, scales, etc.; or with that which corresponds to this, as horny or bony plates, hard, callous skin, etc..
Cataphractic :: Cataphractic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a cataphract..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an opening through it..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) The muscular and tendinous partition separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen; the midriff.
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A calcareous plate which divides the cavity of certain shells into two parts.
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A plate with an opening, which is generally circular, used in instruments to cut off marginal portions of a beam of light, as at the focus of a telescope..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A partition in any compartment, for various purposes..
Diaphragmatic :: Diaphragmatic (a.) Pertaining to a diaphragm; as, diaphragmatic respiration; the diaphragmatic arteries and nerves..
Ecphractic :: Ecphractic (a.) Serving to dissolve or attenuate viscid matter, and so to remove obstructions; deobstruent..
Emphractic :: Emphractic (a.) Having the quality of closing the pores of the skin.
Endophragma :: Endophragma (n.) A chitinous structure above the nervous cord in the thorax of certain Crustacea.
Endophragmal :: Endophragmal (a.) Of or pertaining to the endophragma.
Ephraim :: Ephraim (n.) A hunter's name for the grizzly bear.
Epiphragm :: Epiphragm (n.) A membranaceous or calcareous septum with which some mollusks close the aperture of the shell during the time of hibernation, or aestivation..
Euphrasy :: Euphrasy (n.) The plant eyesight (euphrasia officionalis), formerly regarded as beneficial in disorders of the eyes..
Holophrastic :: Holophrastic (a.) Expressing a phrase or sentence in a single word, -- as is the case in the aboriginal languages of America..
Metaphrase :: Metaphrase (n.) A verbal translation; a version or translation from one language into another, word for word; -- opposed to paraphrase..
Metaphrase :: Metaphrase (n.) An answering phrase; repartee.