Definition of diaphragm

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Diaphragm (n.) A calcareous plate which divides the cavity of certain shells into two parts.

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Deflector :: Deflector (n.) That which deflects, as a diaphragm in a furnace, or a cone in a lamp (to deflect and mingle air and gases and help combustion)..
Hiccough :: Hiccough (n.) A modified respiratory movement; a spasmodic inspiration, consisting of a sudden contraction of the diaphragm, accompanied with closure of the glottis, so that further entrance of air is prevented, while the impulse of the column of air entering and striking upon the closed glottis produces a sound, or hiccough..
Inspiration :: Inspiration (n.) The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration..
Crus :: Crus (n.) Often applied, especially in the plural, to parts which are supposed to resemble a pair of legs; as, the crura of the diaphragm, a pair of muscles attached to it; crura cerebri, two bundles of nerve fibers in the base of the brain, connecting the medulla and the forebrain..
Peritoneum :: Peritoneum (n.) The smooth serous membrane which lines the cavity of the abdomen, or the whole body cavity when there is no diaphragm, and, turning back, surrounds the viscera, forming a closed, or nearly closed, sac..
Midriff :: Midriff (n.) See Diaphragm, n., 2..
Phrenograph :: Phrenograph (n.) An instrument for registering the movements of the diaphragm, or midriff, in respiration..
Diaphragmatic :: Diaphragmatic (a.) Pertaining to a diaphragm; as, diaphragmatic respiration; the diaphragmatic arteries and nerves..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) The muscular and tendinous partition separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen; the midriff.
Gastrophrenic :: Gastrophrenic (a.) Pertaining to the stomach and diaphragm; as, the gastrophrenic ligament..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A plate with an opening, which is generally circular, used in instruments to cut off marginal portions of a beam of light, as at the focus of a telescope..
Ligament :: Ligament (n.) A band of connective tissue, or a membranous fold, which supports or retains an organ in place; as, the gastrophrenic ligament, connecting the diaphragm and stomach..
Phrenic :: Phrenic (a.) Of or pertaining to the diaphragm; diaphragmatic; as, the phrenic nerve..
Stop :: Stop (n.) The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses.
Stamped :: Stammering (n.) A disturbance in the formation of sounds. It is due essentially to long-continued spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, by which expiration is preented, and hence it may be considered as a spasmodic inspiration..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an opening through it..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A partition in any compartment, for various purposes..
Musculophrenic :: Musculophrenic (a.) Pertaining to the muscles and the diaphragm; as, the musculophrenic artery..
Skirt :: Skirt (n.) The diaphragm, or midriff, in animals..
Diaphragm :: Diaphragm (n.) A calcareous plate which divides the cavity of certain shells into two parts.
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