Aparejo :: Aparejo (n.) A kind of pack saddle used in the American military service and among the Spanish Americans. It is made of leather stuffed with hay, moss, or the like..
Bejape :: Bejape (v. t.) To jape; to laugh at; to deceive.
Bejewel :: Bejewel (v. t.) To ornament with a jewel or with jewels; to spangle.
Deject :: Deject (v. t.) To cast down the spirits of; to dispirit; to discourage; to dishearten.
Dejecta :: Dejecta (n. pl.) Excrements; as, the dejecta of the sick..
Dejected :: Dejected (a.) Cast down; afflicted; low-spirited; sad; as, a dejected look or countenance..
Dejecter :: Dejecter (n.) One who casts down, or dejects..
Dejection :: Dejection (n.) The act of humbling or abasing one's self.
Dejection :: Dejection (n.) Lowness of spirits occasioned by grief or misfortune; mental depression; melancholy.
Dejection :: Dejection (n.) A low condition; weakness; inability.
Dejectory :: Dejectory (a.) Having power, or tending, to cast down..
Dejecture :: Dejecture (n.) That which is voided; excrements.
Dejerate :: Dejerate (v. i.) To swear solemnly; to take an oath.