Definition of gender

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Gender (n.) To beget; to engender.

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Engendering :: Engendering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Engende.
Gig :: Gig (v. t.) To engender.
Genderless :: Genderless (a.) Having no gender.
Sylleptic :: Syllepsis (n.) The agreement of a verb or adjective with one, rather than another, of two nouns, with either of which it might agree in gender, number, etc.; as, rex et regina beati..
Ingender :: Ingender (v. t.) See Engender.
Which :: Which (pron.) A relative pronoun, used esp. in referring to an antecedent noun or clause, but sometimes with reference to what is specified or implied in a sentence, or to a following noun or clause (generally involving a reference, however, to something which has preceded). It is used in all numbers and genders, and was formerly used of persons..
It :: It (pron.) As a substance for any noun of the neuter gender; as, here is the book, take it home..
Procreate :: Procreate (v. t.) To generate and produce; to beget; to engender.
Agreement :: Agreement (n.) Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person..
Gendering :: Gendering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Gende.
Neuter :: Neuter (n.) A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words.
Neuter :: Neuter (a.) Having a form belonging more especially to words which are not appellations of males or females; expressing or designating that which is of neither sex; as, a neuter noun; a neuter termination; the neuter gender..
Gender :: Gender (v. i.) To copulate; to breed.
Polyptoton :: Polyptoton (n.) A figure by which a word is repeated in different forms, cases, numbers, genders, etc., as in Tennyson's line, -- My own heart's heart, and ownest own, farewell..
Gender :: Gender (n.) A classification of nouns, primarily according to sex; and secondarily according to some fancied or imputed quality associated with sex..
Engender :: Engender (v. i.) To assume form; to come into existence; to be caused or produced.
Inflection :: Inflection (n.) The variation or change which words undergo to mark case, gender, number, comparison, tense, person, mood, voice, etc..
Engender :: Engender (v. i.) To come together; to meet, as in sexual embrace..
Engender :: Engender (v. t.) To cause to exist; to bring forth; to produce; to sow the seeds of; as, angry words engender strife..
Concord :: Concord (n.) Agreement of words with one another, in gender, number, person, or case..
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