Definition of generate

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Generate (v. t.) To beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce (a being similar to the parent); to engender; as, every animal generates its own species..

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Regenerate :: Regenerate (a.) Born anew; become Christian; renovated in heart; changed from a natural to a spiritual state.
Pseudo-hyperthophic :: Pseudo-hyperthophic (a.) Falsely hypertrophic; as, pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, a variety of paralysis in which the muscles are apparently enlarged, but are really degenerated and replaced by fat..
Rust :: Rust (v. i.) To degenerate in idleness; to become dull or impaired by inaction.
Degenerative :: Degenerative (a.) Undergoing or producing degeneration; tending to degenerate.
Windiness :: Windiness (n.) Tendency to generate wind or gas; tendency to produce flatulence; as, the windiness of vegetables..
Ingenit :: Ingenit (a.) Innate; inborn; inbred; inherent; native; ingenerate.
Generate :: Generate (v. t.) To cause to be; to bring into life.
Digest :: Digest (v. t.) To dispose to suppurate, or generate healthy pus, as an ulcer or wound..
Regeneracy :: Regeneracy (n.) The state of being regenerated.
Degeneracy :: Degeneracy (a.) The act of becoming degenerate; a growing worse.
Conceive :: Conceive (v. t.) To form in the mind; to plan; to devise; to generate; to originate; as, to conceive a purpose, plan, hope..
Spired :: Spire (n.) The part of a spiral generated in one revolution of the straight line about the pole. See Spiral, n..
Generator :: Generator (n.) One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or produces..
Flatulent :: Flatulent (a.) Affected with flatus or gases generated in the alimentary canal; windy.
Endocardial :: Endocardial (a.) Seated or generated within the heart; as, endocardial murmurs..
Progenerate :: Progenerate (v. t.) To beget; to generate; to produce; to procreate; as, to progenerate a race..
Imbreed :: Imbreed (v. t.) To generate within; to inbreed.
Generability :: Generability (n.) Capability of being generated.
Womb :: Womb (n.) The place where anything is generated or produced.
Producer :: Producer (n.) One who produces, brings forth, or generates..
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