Definition of generation

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Generation (n.) That which is generated or brought forth; progeny; offspiring.

Lern More About Generation

Purulency :: Purulency (n.) The quality or state of being purulent; the generation of pus; also, the pus itself..
Epigenesis :: Epigenesis (n.) The theory of generation which holds that the germ is created entirely new, not merely expanded, by the procreative power of the parents. It is opposed to the theory of evolution, also to syngenesis..
Heterogenesis :: Heterogenesis (n.) Spontaneous generation, so called..
Propagate :: Propagate (v. t.) To cause to continue or multiply by generation, or successive production; -- applied to animals and plants; as, to propagate a breed of horses or sheep; to propagate a species of fruit tree..
Republicanize :: Republicanize (v. t.) To change, as a state, into a republic; to republican principles; as, France was republicanized; to republicanize the rising generation..
Adipocere :: Adipocere (n.) A soft, unctuous, or waxy substance, of a light brown color, into which the fat and muscle tissue of dead bodies sometimes are converted, by long immersion in water or by burial in moist places. It is a result of fatty degeneration..
Inheritance :: Inheritance (n.) Transmission and reception by animal or plant generation.
Phytogeny :: Phytogeny (n.) The doctrine of the generation of plants.
Geniture :: Geniture (n.) Generation; procreation; birth.
Regeneration :: Regeneration (n.) The reproduction or renewal of tissues, cells, etc., which have been used up and destroyed by the ordinary processes of life; as, the continual regeneration of the epithelial cells of the body, or the regeneration of the contractile substance of muscle..
Boil :: Boil (v.) To be agitated, or tumultuously moved, as a liquid by the generation and rising of bubbles of steam (or vapor), or of currents produced by heating it to the boiling point; to be in a state of ebullition; as, the water boils..
Parthenogenesis :: Parthenogenesis (n.) The production of new individuals from virgin females by means of ova which have the power of developing without the intervention of the male element; the production, without fertilization, of cells capable of germination. It is one of the phenomena of alternate generation. Cf. Heterogamy, and Metagenesis..
Metagenesis :: Metagenesis (n.) Alternation of sexual and asexual or gemmiparous generations; -- in distinction from heterogamy.
Heterogamy :: Heterogamy (n.) That form of alternate generation in which two kinds of sexual generation, or a sexual and a parthenogenetic generation, alternate; -- in distinction from metagenesis, where sexual and asexual generations alternate..
Caseation :: Caseation (n.) A degeneration of animal tissue into a cheesy or curdy mass.
Posterity :: Posterity (n.) Succeeding generations; future times.
Deuterozooid :: Deuterozooid (n.) One of the secondary, and usually sexual, zooids produced by budding or fission from the primary zooids, in animals having alternate generations. In the tapeworms, the joints are deuterozooids..
Irregeneration :: Irregeneration (n.) An unregenerate state.
Evolution :: Evolution (n.) That theory of generation which supposes the germ to preexist in the parent, and its parts to be developed, but not actually formed, by the procreative act; -- opposed to epigenesis..
Degradation :: Degradation (n.) Arrest of development, or degeneration of any organ, or of the body as a whole..
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