Definition of systematically

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of systematically is as below...

Systematical (a.) Affecting successively the different parts of the system or set of nervous fibres; as, systematic degeneration..

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Systematism :: Systematically (adv.) In a systematic manner; methodically.
Immethodically :: Immethodically (adv.) Without method; confusedly; unsystematically.
Map :: Map (v. t.) To represent by a map; -- often with out; as, to survey and map, or map out, a county. Hence, figuratively: To represent or indicate systematically and clearly; to sketch; to plan; as, to map, or map out, a journey; to map out business..
Fund :: Fund (n.) An invested sum, whose income is devoted to a specific object; as, the fund of an ecclesiastical society; a fund for the maintenance of lectures or poor students; also, money systematically collected to meet the expenses of some permanent object..
Hortus Siccus :: Hortus siccus () A collection of specimens of plants, dried and preserved, and arranged systematically; an herbarium..
Harmony :: Harmony (n.) A literary work which brings together or arranges systematically parallel passages of historians respecting the same events, and shows their agreement or consistency; as, a harmony of the Gospels..
Raisonne :: Raisonne (a.) Arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects; as, a catalogue raisonne. See under Catalogue..
Discipline :: Discipline (v. t.) To accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring under control so as to act systematically; to train to act together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form a habit of obedience in; to drill.
Herbarium :: Herbarium (n.) A collection of dried specimens of plants, systematically arranged..
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