Hermeneutical :: Hermeneutical (a.) Unfolding the signification; of or pertaining to interpretation; exegetical; explanatory; as, hermeneutic theology, or the art of expounding the Scriptures; a hermeneutic phrase..
Hermeneutically :: Hermeneutically (adv.) According to the principles of interpretation; as, a verse of Scripture was examined hermeneutically..
Hermeneutics :: Hermeneutics (n.) The science of interpretation and explanation; exegesis; esp., that branch of theology which defines the laws whereby the meaning of the Scriptures is to be ascertained..
Monogoneutic :: Monogoneutic (a.) Having but one brood in a season.
Neuter :: Neuter (a.) Neither the one thing nor the other; on neither side; impartial; neutral.
Neuter :: Neuter (a.) Having a form belonging more especially to words which are not appellations of males or females; expressing or designating that which is of neither sex; as, a neuter noun; a neuter termination; the neuter gender..
Neuter :: Neuter (a.) Intransitive; as, a neuter verb..
Neuter :: Neuter (a.) Having no generative organs, or imperfectly developed ones; sexless. See Neuter, n., 3..
Neuter :: Neuter (n.) A person who takes no part in a contest; one who is either indifferent to a cause or forbears to interfere; a neutral.
Neuter :: Neuter (n.) A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words.
Neuter :: Neuter (n.) An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, as the garden Hydrangea; esp., one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as of the ant and the common honeybee, which perform the labors of the community, and are called workers..
Neutral :: Neutral (a.) Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent.
Neutral :: Neutral (a.) Neither good nor bad; of medium quality; middling; not decided or pronounced.
Neutral :: Neutral (a.) Neuter. See Neuter, a., 3..
Neutral :: Neutral (a.) Having neither acid nor basic properties; unable to turn red litmus blue or blue litmus red; -- said of certain salts or other compounds. Contrasted with acid, and alkaline..
Neutral :: Neutral (n.) A person or a nation that takes no part in a contest between others; one who is neutral.
Neutralist :: Neutralist (n.) A neutral; one who professes or practices neutrality.
Neutrality :: Neutrality (n.) The state or quality of being neutral; the condition of being unengaged in contests between others; state of taking no part on either side; indifference.
Neutrality :: Neutrality (n.) Indifference in quality; a state neither very good nor bad.
Neutrality :: Neutrality (n.) The quality or state of being neutral. See Neutral, a., 4..
Neutrality :: Neutrality (a.) The condition of a nation or government which refrains from taking part, directly or indirectly, in a war between other powers..
Neutrality :: Neutrality (a.) Those who are neutral; a combination of neutral powers or states.
Neutralization :: Neutralization (n.) The act or process of neutralizing, or the state of being neutralized..
Neutralization :: Neutralization (n.) The act or process by which an acid and a base are combined in such proportions that the resulting compound is neutral. See Neutral, a., 4..
Neutralize :: Neutralize (v. t.) To render neutral; to reduce to a state of neutrality.
Neutralize :: Neutralize (v. t.) To render inert or imperceptible the peculiar affinities of, as a chemical substance; to destroy the effect of; as, to neutralize an acid with a base..
Neutralize :: Neutralize (v. t.) To destroy the peculiar or opposite dispositions of; to reduce to a state of indifference inefficience; to counteract; as, to neutralize parties in government; to neutralize efforts, opposition, etc..