Definition of thicken

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Thicken (v. t.) To render dense; to inspissate; as, to thicken paint..

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Pterostigma :: Pterostigma (n.) A thickened opaque spot on the wings of certain insects.
Whipworm :: Whipworm (n.) A nematode worm (Trichocephalus dispar) often found parasitic in the human intestine. Its body is thickened posteriorly, but is very long and threadlike anteriorly..
Inspissate :: Inspissate (v. t.) To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as fluids by evaporation..
Black Pudding :: Black pudding () A kind of sausage made of blood, suet, etc., thickened with meal..
Coagulation :: Coagulation (n.) The change from a liquid to a thickened, curdlike, insoluble state, not by evaporation, but by some kind of chemical reaction; as, the spontaneous coagulation of freshly drawn blood; the coagulation of milk by rennet, or acid, and the coagulation of egg albumin by heat. Coagulation is generally the change of an albuminous body into an insoluble modification..
Incrassation :: Incrassation (n.) The act or process of thickening or making thick; the process of becoming thick or thicker.
Chalaza :: Chalaza (n.) A spiral band of thickened albuminous substance which exists in the white of the bird's egg, and serves to maintain the yolk in its position; the treadle..
Curd :: Curd (v. i.) To become coagulated or thickened; to separate into curds and whe.
Spissitude :: Spissated (a.) Rendered dense or compact, as by evaporation; inspissated; thickened..
Thicken :: Thicken (v. t.) To strengthen; to confirm.
Incrassative :: Incrassative (n.) A substance which has the power to thicken; formerly, a medicine supposed to thicken the humors..
Curd :: Curd (n.) The coagulated or thickened part of milk, as distinguished from the whey, or watery part. It is eaten as food, especially when made into cheese..
Footing :: Footing (n.) The thickened or sloping portion of a wall, or of an embankment at its foot..
Incrassate :: Incrassate (v. t.) To make thick or thicker; to thicken; especially, in pharmacy, to thicken (a liquid) by the mixture of another substance, or by evaporating the thinner parts..
Thicken :: Thicken (v. t.) To make more frequent; as, to thicken blows..
Fulling :: Fulling (n.) The process of cleansing, shrinking, and thickening cloth by moisture, heat, and pressure..
Hemelytrum :: Hemelytrum (n.) One of the partially thickened anterior wings of certain insects, as of many Hemiptera, the earwigs, etc..
Thick :: Thick (v. t. & i.) To thicken.
Jump :: Jump (v. t.) To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset.
Curd :: Curd (v. t.) To cause to coagulate or thicken; to cause to congeal; to curdle.
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