Definition of still

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Still (v. t.) To cause to fall by drops.

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Cucurbite :: Cucurbite (n.) A vessel or flask for distillation, used with, or forming part of, an alembic; a matrass; -- originally in the shape of a gourd, with a wide mouth. See Alembic..
Unborn :: Unborn (a.) Not born; no yet brought into life; being still to appear; future.
Judaizer :: "Judaizer (n.) One who conforms to or inculcates Judaism; specifically, pl. (Ch. Hist.), those Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshiped in the temple at Jerusalem..
Whist :: Whist (v. i.) To be or become silent or still; to be hushed or mute.
Sistrum :: Sistrum () An instrument consisting of a thin metal frame, through which passed a number of metal rods, and furnished with a handle by which it was shaken and made to rattle. It was peculiarly Egyptian, and used especially in the worship of Isis. It is still used in Nubia..
Ule :: Ule (n.) A Mexican and Central American tree (Castilloa elastica and C. Markhamiana) related to the breadfruit tree. Its milky juice contains caoutchouc. Called also ule tree.
Agave :: Agave (n.) A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly called Aloe. It is from ten to seventy years, according to climate, in attaining maturity, when it produces a gigantic flower stem, sometimes forty feet in height, and perishes. The fermented juice is the pulque of the Mexicans; distilled, it yields mescal. A strong thread and a tough paper are made from the leaves, and the wood has many uses..
Suberose :: Suberone (n.) A colorless liquid, analogous suberone proper, having a pleasant peppermint odor. It is obtained by the distillation of calcium suberate..
Whiskey :: Whiskey (n.) An intoxicating liquor distilled from grain, potatoes, etc., especially in Scotland, Ireland, and the United States. In the United States, whisky is generally distilled from maize, rye, or wheat, but in Scotland and Ireland it is often made from malted barley..
Stillborn :: Stillborn (a.) Dead at the birth; as, a stillborn child..
Bastile Bastille :: Bastile Bastille (n.) The Bastille, formerly a castle or fortress in Paris, used as a prison, especially for political offenders; hence, a rhetorical name for a prison..
Unoriginated :: Unoriginated (a.) Not yet caused to be, or to be made; as, possible inventions still unoriginated..
Fractionally :: Fractionally (adv.) By fractions or separate portions; as, to distill a liquid fractionally, that is, so as to separate different portions..
Distillment :: Distillment (n.) Distillation; the substance obtained by distillation.
Quiet :: Quiet (a.) Freedom from disturbance, noise, or alarm; stillness; tranquillity; peace; security..
Calm :: Calm (n.) To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds..
Sebacic :: Sebacic (a.) Of or pertaining to fat; derived from, or resembling, fat; specifically, designating an acid (formerly called also sebic, and pyroleic, acid), obtained by the distillation or saponification of certain oils (as castor oil) as a white crystalline substance..
Rhynchonella :: Rhynchonella (n.) A genus of brachiopods of which some species are still living, while many are found fossil..
Liquor :: Liquor (n.) Specifically, alcoholic or spirituous fluid, either distilled or fermented, as brandy, wine, whisky, beer, etc..
Gasoline :: Gasoline (n.) A highly volatile mixture of fluid hydrocarbons, obtained from petroleum, as also by the distillation of bituminous coal. It is used in making air gas, and in giving illuminating power to water gas. See Carburetor..
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