Generosity :: Generosity (n.) The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness.
Generosity :: Generosity (n.) Liberality in giving; munificence.
Generous :: Generous (a.) Of honorable birth or origin; highborn.
Generous :: Generous (a.) Exhibiting those qualities which are popularly reregarded as belonging to high birth; noble; honorable; magnanimous; spirited; courageous.
Generous :: Generous (a.) Open-handed; free to give; not close or niggardly; munificent; as, a generous friend or father..
Generous :: Generous (a.) Characterized by generosity; abundant; overflowing; as, a generous table..
Generous :: Generous (a.) Full of spirit or strength; stimulating; exalting; as, generous wine..
Phanerocodonic :: Phanerocodonic (a.) Having an umbrella-shaped or bell-shaped body, with a wide, open cavity beneath; -- said of certain jellyfishes..
Phanerocrystalline :: Phanerocrystalline (a.) Distinctly crystalline; -- used of rocks. Opposed to cryptocrystalline.
Phanerogamia :: Phanerogamia (n. pl.) That one of the two primary divisions of the vegetable kingdom which contains the phanerogamic, or flowering, plants..