Definition of reduction

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Reduction (v. t.) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.

Lern More About Reduction

Dulcite :: Dulcite (n.) A white, sugarlike substance, C6H8.(OH)2, occurring naturally in a manna from Madagascar, and in certain plants, and produced artificially by the reduction of galactose and lactose or milk sugar..
Greillade :: Greillade (n.) Iron ore in coarse powder, prepared for reduction by the Catalan process..
Scoria :: Scoria (n.) The recrement of metals in fusion, or the slag rejected after the reduction of metallic ores; dross..
Indolin :: Indolin (n.) A dark resinous substance, polymeric with indol, and obtained by the reduction of indigo white..
Phthalin :: Phthalin (n.) A colorless crystalline substance obtained by reduction from phthalein, into which it is easily converted by oxidation; hence, any one of the series of which phthalin proper is the type..
Normalization :: Normalization (n.) Reduction to a standard or normal state.
Vacuum :: Vacuum (n.) The condition of rarefaction, or reduction of pressure below that of the atmosphere, in a vessel, as the condenser of a steam engine, which is nearly exhausted of air or steam, etc.; as, a vacuum of 26 inches of mercury, or 13 pounds per square inch..
Reduction :: Reduction (n.) The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as, the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the reduction of a rebellious province..
Leucaniline :: Leucaniline (n.) A colorless, crystalline, organic base, obtained from rosaniline by reduction, and also from other sources. It forms colorless salts..
Digestion :: Digestion (n.) The act or process of digesting; reduction to order; classification; thoughtful consideration.
Histohaematin :: Histohaematin (n.) One of a class of respiratory pigments, widely distributed in the animal kingdom, capable of ready oxidation and reduction..
Gas :: Gas (n.) An aeriform fluid; -- a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be permanently elastic, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc., in distinction from vapors, as steam, which become liquid on a reduction of temperature. In present usage, since all of the supposed permanent gases have been liquified by cold and pressure, the term has resumed nearly its original signification, and is applied to any substance in the elastic or aeriform state..
Mercury :: Mercury (n.) A metallic element mostly obtained by reduction from cinnabar, one of its ores. It is a heavy, opaque, glistening liquid (commonly called quicksilver), and is used in barometers, thermometers, ect. Specific gravity 13.6. Symbol Hg (Hydrargyrum). Atomic weight 199.8. Mercury has a molecule which consists of only one atom. It was named by the alchemists after the god Mercury, and designated by his symbol, /..
Isatogen :: Isatogen (n.) A complex nitrogenous radical, C8H4NO2, regarded as the essential residue of a series of compounds, related to isatin, which easily pass by reduction to indigo blue..
Hydroquinone :: Hydroquinone (n.) A white crystalline substance, C6H4(OH)2, obtained by the reduction of quinone. It is a diacid phenol, resembling, and metameric with, pyrocatechin and resorcin. Called also dihydroxy benzene..
Hydr- :: Hydr- () A combining form of hydrogen, indicating hydrogen as an ingredient, as hydrochloric; or a reduction product obtained by hydrogen, as hydroquinone..
Impoverishment :: Impoverishment (n.) The act of impoverishing, or the state of being impoverished; reduction to poverty..
Depolarization :: Depolarization (n.) The act of depriving of polarity, or the result of such action; reduction to an unpolarized condition..
Reducement :: Reducement (n.) Reduction.
Incompressibility :: Incompressibility (n.) The quality of being incompressible, or incapable of reduction in volume by pressure; -- formerly supposed to be a property of liquids..
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