Borne :: Borne (p. p.) Carried; conveyed; supported; defrayed. See Bear, v. t..
Borneol :: Borneol (n.) A rare variety of camphor, C10H17.OH, resembling ordinary camphor, from which it can be produced by reduction. It is said to occur in the camphor tree of Borneo and Sumatra (Dryobalanops camphora), but the natural borneol is rarely found in European or American commerce, being in great request by the Chinese. Called also Borneo camphor, Malay camphor, and camphol..
Shard-borne :: Shard-borne (a.) Borne on shards or scaly wing cases.
Suborned :: Subordinative (a.) Tending to subordinate; expressing subordination; used to introduce a subordinate sentence; as, a subordinative conjunction..
Suborner :: Subornation (n.) The sin or offense of procuring one to do a criminal or bad action, as by bribes or persuasion..