Definition of pound

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Pound (pl. ) of Poun.

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Zinco- :: Zinco- () A combining form from zinc; in chemistry, designating zinc as an element of certain double compounds. Also used adjectively..
Neutralization :: Neutralization (n.) The act or process by which an acid and a base are combined in such proportions that the resulting compound is neutral. See Neutral, a., 4..
Subsultive :: Subsulphide (n.) A nonacid compound consisting of one equivalent of sulphur and more than one equivalent of some other body, as a metal..
Sterling :: Sterling (a.) Belonging to, or relating to, the standard British money of account, or the British coinage; as, a pound sterling; a shilling sterling; a penny sterling; -- now chiefly applied to the lawful money of England; but sterling cost, sterling value, are used..
Coenenchyma :: Coenenchyma (n.) The common tissue which unites the polyps or zooids of a compound anthozoan or coral. It may be soft or more or less ossified. See Coral.
Pharmacy :: Pharmacy (n.) A place where medicines are compounded; a drug store; an apothecary's shop.
Sesquisalt :: Sesquisalt (n.) A salt derived from a sesquioxide base, or made up on the proportions of a sesqui compound..
Pinchbeck :: Pinchbeck (n.) An alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold; a yellow metal, composed of about three ounces of zinc to a pound of copper. It is much used as an imitation of gold in the manufacture of cheap jewelry..
Chlorine :: Chlorine (n.) One of the elementary substances, commonly isolated as a greenish yellow gas, two and one half times as heavy as air, of an intensely disagreeable suffocating odor, and exceedingly poisonous. It is abundant in nature, the most important compound being common salt. It is powerful oxidizing, bleaching, and disinfecting agent. Symbol Cl. Atomic weight, 35.4..
Iridic :: Iridic (a.) Of or pertaining to iridium; -- said specifically of those compounds in which iridium has a relatively high valence.
Carbonyl :: Carbonyl (n.) The radical (CO)'', occuring, always combined, in many compounds, as the aldehydes, the ketones, urea, carbonyl chloride, etc..
Decompound :: Decompound (a.) Compound of what is already compounded; compounded a second time.
Pound/keeper :: Pound/keeper (n.) The keeper of a pound.
Uranic :: Uranic (a.) Pertaining to, resembling, or containing uranium; specifically, designating those compounds in which uranium has a valence relatively higher than in uranous compounds..
Mix :: Mix (v. t.) To cause a promiscuous interpenetration of the parts of, as of two or more substances with each other, or of one substance with others; to unite or blend into one mass or compound, as by stirring together; to mingle; to blend; as, to mix flour and salt; to mix wines..
G :: G () G is the seventh letter of the English alphabet, and a vocal consonant. It has two sounds; one simple, as in gave, go, gull; the other compound (like that of j), as in gem, gin, dingy. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 231-6, 155, 176, 178, 179, 196, 211, 246..
Pestle :: Pestle (v. t. & i.) To pound, pulverize, bray, or mix with a pestle, or as with a pestle; to use a pestle..
Selenide :: Selenide (n.) A binary compound of selenium, or a compound regarded as binary; as, ethyl selenide..
Composite :: Composite (n.) That which is made up of parts or compounded of several elements; composition; combination; compound.
Tret :: Tret (n.) An allowance to purchasers, for waste or refuse matter, of four pounds on every 104 pounds of suttle weight, or weight after the tare deducted..
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