Uranography :: Uranography (n.) A description or plan of the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the construction of celestial maps, globes, etc.; uranology..
Uranolite :: Uranolite (n.) A meteorite or aerolite.
Uranology :: Uranology (n.) A discourse or treatise on the heavens and the heavenly bodies; the study of the heavens; uranography.
Uranometry :: Uranometry (n.) A chart or catalogue of fixed stars, especially of stars visible to the naked eye..
Uranoplasty :: Uranoplasty (n.) The plastic operation for closing a fissure in the hard palate.
Uranoscopy :: Uranoscopy (n.) Observation of the heavens or heavenly bodies.
Uranoso- :: Uranoso- (a.) A combining form (also used adjectively) from uranium; -- used in naming certain complex compounds; as in uranoso-uranic oxide, uranoso-uranic sulphate..
Uranous :: Uranous (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, uranium; designating those compounds in which uranium has a lower valence as contrasted with the uranic compounds..