Anteposition :: Anteposition (n.) The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it..
Apposition :: Apposition (n.) The act of adding; application; accretion.
Apposition :: Apposition (n.) The putting of things in juxtaposition, or side by side; also, the condition of being so placed..
Apposition :: Apposition (n.) The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I admire Cicero, the orator. Here, the second noun explains or characterizes the first..
Appositional :: Appositional (a.) Pertaining to apposition; put in apposition syntactically.
Circumposition :: Circumposition (n.) The act of placing in a circle, or round about, or the state of being so placed..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The act or art of composing, or forming a whole or integral, by placing together and uniting different things, parts, or ingredients..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The invention or combination of the parts of any literary work or discourse, or of a work of art; as, the composition of a poem or a piece of music..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The art or practice of so combining the different parts of a work of art as to produce a harmonious whole; also, a work of art considered as such. See 4, below..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The act of writing for practice in a language, as English, Latin, German, etc..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The setting up of type and arranging it for printing.
Composition :: Composition (n.) The state of being put together or composed; conjunction; combination; adjustment.
Composition :: Composition (n.) A mass or body formed by combining two or more substances; as, a chemical composition..
Composition :: Composition (n.) A literary, musical, or artistic production, especially one showing study and care in arrangement; -- often used of an elementary essay or translation done as an educational exercise..
Composition :: Composition (n.) Mutual agreement to terms or conditions for the settlement of a difference or controversy; also, the terms or conditions of settlement; agreement..
Composition :: Composition (n.) The adjustment of a debt, or avoidance of an obligation, by some form of compensation agreed on between the parties; also, the sum or amount of compensation agreed upon in the adjustment..
Composition :: Composition (n.) Synthesis as opposed to analysis.
Contraposition :: Contraposition (n.) A placing over against; opposite position.
Contraposition :: Contraposition (n.) A so-called immediate inference which consists in denying the original subject of the contradictory predicate; e.g.: Every S is P; therefore, no Not-P is S..
Decomposition :: Decomposition (n.) The act or process of resolving the constituent parts of a compound body or substance into its elementary parts; separation into constituent part; analysis; the decay or dissolution consequent on the removal or alteration of some of the ingredients of a compound; disintegration; as, the decomposition of wood, rocks, etc..
Decomposition :: Decomposition (n.) The state of being reduced into original elements.
Decomposition :: Decomposition (n.) Repeated composition; a combination of compounds.
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) The act of depositing or deposing; the act of laying down or thrown down; precipitation.
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) The act of bringing before the mind; presentation.
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) The act of setting aside a sovereign or a public officer; deprivation of authority and dignity; displacement; removal.
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) That which is deposited; matter laid or thrown down; sediment; alluvial matter; as, banks are sometimes depositions of alluvial matter..
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) An opinion, example, or statement, laid down or asserted; a declaration..
Deposition :: Deposition (n.) The act of laying down one's testimony in writing; also, testimony laid or taken down in writing, under oath or affirmation, before some competent officer, and in reply to interrogatories and cross-interrogatories..