Definition of composition

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Composition (n.) The setting up of type and arranging it for printing.

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Aubade :: Aubade (n.) An open air concert in the morning, as distinguished from an evening serenade; also, a pianoforte composition suggestive of morning..
Arabinose :: Arabinose (n.) A sugar of the composition C5H10O5, obtained from cherry gum by boiling it with dilute sulphuric acid..
Portal :: Portal (n.) By analogy with the French portail, used by recent writers for the whole architectural composition which surrounds and includes the doorways and porches of a church..
Sighted :: Sighted (a.) Having sight, or seeing, in a particular manner; -- used in composition; as, long-sighted, short-sighted, quick-sighted, sharp-sighted, and the like..
Star :: Star (n.) A composition of combustible matter used in the heading of rockets, in mines, etc., which, exploding in the air, presents a starlike appearance..
Sarcosin :: Sarcosin (n.) A crystalline nitrogenous substance, formed in the decomposition of creatin (one of the constituents of muscle tissue). Chemically, it is methyl glycocoll..
Sinapine :: Sinapine (n.) An alkaloid occuring in the seeds of mustard. It is extracted, in combination with sulphocyanic acid, as a white crystalline substance, having a hot, bitter taste. When sinapine is isolated it is unstable and undergoes decomposition..
Melanuric :: Melanuric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid obtained by decomposition of melam, or of urea, as a white crystalline powder; -- called also melanurenic acid..
Fenestration :: Fenestration (n.) The arrangement and proportioning of windows; -- used by modern writers for the decorating of an architectural composition by means of the window (and door) openings, their ornaments, and proportions..
Orchestration :: Orchestration (n.) The arrangement of music for an orchestra; orchestral treatment of a composition; -- called also instrumentation.
Quatuor :: Quatuor (n.) A quartet; -- applied chiefly to instrumental compositions.
Attract :: Attract (v. t.) To draw to, or cause to tend to; esp. to cause to approach, adhere, or combine; or to cause to resist divulsion, separation, or decomposition..
Antizymotic :: Antizymotic (a.) Preventing fermentation or decomposition.
Piece :: Piece (n.) A literary or artistic composition; as, a piece of poetry, music, or statuary..
Zoochemistry :: Zoochemistry (n.) Animal chemistry; particularly, the description of the chemical compounds entering into the composition of the animal body, in distinction from biochemistry..
Isomeric :: Isomeric (a.) Having the same percentage composition; -- said of two or more different substances which contain the same ingredients in the same proportions by weight, often used with with. Specif.: (a) Polymeric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, but with different molecular weights; as, acetylene and benzine are isomeric (polymeric) with each other in this sense. See Polymeric. (b) Metameric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportions
Get-up :: Get-up (n.) General composition or structure; manner in which the parts of a thing are combined; make-up; style of dress, etc..
Poem :: Poem (n.) A composition, not in verse, of which the language is highly imaginative or impassioned; as, a prose poem; the poems of Ossian..
Enamel :: Enamel (v. t.) The intensely hard calcified tissue entering into the composition of teeth. It merely covers the exposed parts of the teeth of man, but in many animals is intermixed in various ways with the dentine and cement..
Sapogenin :: Sapogenin (n.) A white crystalline substance obtained by the decomposition of saponin.
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