Camellia :: Camellia (n.) An Asiatic genus of small shrubs, often with shining leaves and showy flowers. Camellia Japonica is much cultivated for ornament, and C. Sassanqua and C. oleifera are grown in China for the oil which is pressed from their seeds. The tea plant is now referred to this genus under the name of Camellia Thea..
Columelliform :: Columelliform (a.) Shaped like a little column, or columella..
Lamellibranchiata :: Lamellibranchiata (n. pl.) A class of Mollusca including all those that have bivalve shells, as the clams, oysters, mussels, etc..
Lamellibranchiate :: Lamellibranchiate (a.) Having lamellar gills; belonging to the Lamellibranchia.