Definition of movables

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Movables (pl. ) of Movabl.

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Effect :: Effect (n.) Goods; movables; personal estate; -- sometimes used to embrace real as well as personal property; as, the people escaped from the town with their effects..
Sacristan :: Sacristan (n.) An officer of the church who has the care of the utensils or movables, and of the church in general; a sexton..
Movables :: Movables (pl. ) of Movabl.
Tenth :: Tenth (n.) A temporary aid issuing out of personal property, and granted to the king by Parliament; formerly, the real tenth part of all the movables belonging to the subject..
Floor :: Floor (n.) The bottom or lower part of any room; the part upon which we stand and upon which the movables in the room are supported.
Arrestment :: Arrestment (n.) The arrest of a person, or the seizure of his effects; esp., a process by which money or movables in the possession of a third party are attached..
Spree :: Sprechery (n.) Movables of an inferior description; especially, such as have been collected by depredation..
Moebles :: Moebles (n. pl.) Movables; furniture; -- also used in the singular (moeble).
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