Definition of floor

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Floor (n.) The bottom or lower part of any room; the part upon which we stand and upon which the movables in the room are supported.

Lern More About Floor

Oilcloth :: Oilcloth (n.) Cloth treated with oil or paint, and used for marking garments, covering floors, etc..
Rink :: Rink (n.) An artificial sheet of ice, generally under cover, used for skating; also, a floor prepared for skating on with roller skates, or a building with such a floor..
Tile :: Tile (n.) A plate, or thin piece, of baked clay, used for covering the roofs of buildings, for floors, for drains, and often for ornamental mantel works..
Floor :: Floor (n.) A horizontal, flat ore body..
Floorwalker :: Floorwalker (n.) One who walks about in a large retail store as an overseer and director.
Rusher :: Rusher (n.) One who strewed rushes on the floor at dances.
Ledger :: Ledger (n.) A horizontal piece of timber secured to the uprights and supporting floor timbers, a staircase, scaffolding, or the like. It differs from an intertie in being intended to carry weight..
Stillatitious :: Stillage (n.) A low stool to keep the goods from touching the floor.
Floored :: Floored (imp. & p. p.) of Floo.
Floor :: Floor (n.) The surface, or the platform, of a structure on which we walk or travel; as, the floor of a bridge..
Tailpiece :: Tailpiece (n.) One of the timbers which tail into a header, in floor framing. See Illust. of Header..
Saddle :: Saddle (n.) The threshold of a door, when a separate piece from the floor or landing; -- so called because it spans and covers the joint between two floors..
Mezzanine :: Mezzanine (n.) A partial story which is not on the same level with the story of the main part of the edifice, as of a back building, where the floors are on a level with landings of the staircase of the main house..
Rip :: Rip (v. t.) To divide or separate the parts of, by cutting or tearing; to tear or cut open or off; to tear off or out by violence; as, to rip a garment by cutting the stitches; to rip off the skin of a beast; to rip up a floor; -- commonly used with up, open, off..
Shakedown :: Shakedown (n.) A temporary substitute for a bed, as one made on the floor or on chairs; -- perhaps originally from the shaking down of straw for this purpose..
Stringhalt :: Stringer (n.) A long horizontal timber to connect uprights in a frame, or to support a floor or the like..
Downstairs :: Downstairs (adv.) Down the stairs; to a lower floor.
Fallowness :: Fallowness (n.) A well or opening, through the successive floors of a warehouse or manufactory, through which goods are raised or lowered..
Poyntel :: Poyntel (n.) Paving or flooring made of small squares or lozenges set diagonally.
Flooring :: Flooring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Floo.
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