Definition of minced

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Minced (imp. & p. p.) of Minc.

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Rissole :: Rissole (n.) A small ball of rich minced meat or fish, covered with pastry and fried..
Minced :: Minced (imp. & p. p.) of Minc.
Haggis :: Haggis (n.) A Scotch pudding made of the heart, liver, lights, etc., of a sheep or lamb, minced with suet, onions, oatmeal, etc., highly seasoned, and boiled in the stomach of the same animal; minced head and pluck..
Mince-meat :: Mince-meat (n.) Minced meat; meat chopped very fine; a mixture of boiled meat, suet, apples, etc., chopped very fine, to which spices and raisins are added; -- used in making mince pie..
Chuet :: Chuet (n.) Minced meat.
Cro-quette :: Cro-quette (n.) A ball of minced meat, fowl, rice, or other ingredients, highly seasoned, and fried..
Sausage :: Sausage (n.) An article of food consisting of meat (esp. pork) minced and highly seasoned, and inclosed in a cylindrical case or skin usually made of the prepared intestine of some animal..
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