Definition of mayor

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Mayor (n.) The chief magistrate of a city or borough; the chief officer of a municipal corporation. In some American cities there is a city court of which the major is chief judge.

Lern More About Mayor

Ale Silver :: Ale silver () A duty payable to the lord mayor of London by the sellers of ale within the city.
Major :: Major (a.) A mayor.
Honor :: Honor (n.) A title applied to the holders of certain honorable civil offices, or to persons of rank; as, His Honor the Mayor. See Note under Honorable..
Liveryman :: Liveryman (n.) A freeman of the city, in London, who, having paid certain fees, is entitled to wear the distinguishing dress or livery of the company to which he belongs, and also to enjoy certain other privileges, as the right of voting in an election for the lord mayor, sheriffs, chamberlain, etc..
Alderman :: Alderman (n.) One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions..
Commune :: Commune (n.) A small territorial district in France under the government of a mayor and municipal council; also, the inhabitants, or the government, of such a district. See Arrondissement..
Mayoralty :: Mayoralty (n.) The office, or the term of office, of a mayor..
City :: City (n.) A corporate town; in the United States, a town or collective body of inhabitants, incorporated and governed by a mayor and aldermen or a city council consisting of a board of aldermen and a common council; in Great Britain, a town corporate, which is or has been the seat of a bishop, or the capital of his see..
Procession :: Procession (n.) That which is moving onward in an orderly, stately, or solemn manner; a train of persons advancing in order; a ceremonious train; a retinue; as, a procession of mourners; the Lord Mayor's procession..
Mayoress :: Mayoress (n.) The wife of a mayor.
Election :: Election (a.) The act of choosing a person to fill an office, or to membership in a society, as by ballot, uplifted hands, or viva voce; as, the election of a president or a mayor..
Scavage :: Scavage (n.) A toll or duty formerly exacted of merchant strangers by mayors, sheriffs, etc., for goods shown or offered for sale within their precincts..
Pledge :: Pledge (n.) A promise or agreement by which one binds one's self to do, or to refrain from doing, something; especially, a solemn promise in writing to refrain from using intoxicating liquors or the like; as, to sign the pledge; the mayor had made no pledges..
Ayuntamiento :: Ayuntamiento (n.) In Spain and Spanish America, a corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns, corresponding to mayor and aldermen..
Mayorship :: Mayorship (n.) The office of a mayor.
Provost :: Provost (n.) A person who is appointed to superintend, or preside over, something; the chief magistrate in some cities and towns; as, the provost of Edinburgh or of Glasgow, answering to the mayor of other cities; the provost of a college, answering to president; the provost or head of certain collegiate churches..
Boroughmaster :: Boroughmaster (n.) The mayor, governor, or bailiff of a borough..
Pretor :: Pretor (n.) Hence, a mayor or magistrate..
Mayor :: Mayor (n.) The chief magistrate of a city or borough; the chief officer of a municipal corporation. In some American cities there is a city court of which the major is chief judge.
Elect :: Elect (a.) Chosen to an office, but not yet actually inducted into it; as, bishop elect; governor or mayor elect..
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