Definition of hustings

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of hustings is as below...

Hustings (n. pl.) A court formerly held in several cities of England; specif., a court held in London, before the lord mayor, recorder, and sheriffs, to determine certain classes of suits for the recovery of lands within the city. In the progress of law reform this court has become unimportant..

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Hustings :: Hustings (n. pl.) A court formerly held in several cities of England; specif., a court held in London, before the lord mayor, recorder, and sheriffs, to determine certain classes of suits for the recovery of lands within the city. In the progress of law reform this court has become unimportant..
Hustings :: Hustings (n. pl.) The platform on which candidates for Parliament formerly stood in addressing the electors.
Hustings :: Hustings (n. pl.) Any one of the temporary courts held for the election of members of the British Parliament.
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