Definition of likelihood

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Likelihood (n.) Appearance; show; sign; expression.

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Probability :: Probability (n.) The quality or state of being probable; appearance of reality or truth; reasonable ground of presumption; likelihood.
Likelihood :: Likelihood (n.) Appearance; show; sign; expression.
Likelihood :: Likelihood (n.) Likeness; resemblance.
Inverisimilitude :: Inverisimilitude (n.) Want of verisimilitude or likelihood; improbability.
Probably :: Probably (adv.) In a probable manner; in likelihood.
Chance :: Chance (n.) A possibility; a likelihood; an opportunity; -- with reference to a doubtful result; as, a chance to escape; a chance for life; the chances are all against him..
Dislikelihood :: Dislikelihood (n.) The want of likelihood; improbability.
Likehood :: Likehood (n.) Likelihood.
Probability :: Probability (n.) Likelihood of the occurrence of any event in the doctrine of chances, or the ratio of the number of favorable chances to the whole number of chances, favorable and unfavorable. See 1st Chance, n., 5..
Likelihood :: Likelihood (n.) Appearance of truth or reality; probability; verisimilitude.
Unlikelihood :: Unlikelihood (n.) Absence of likelihood.
Likeliness :: Likeliness (n.) Likelihood; probability.
Improbability :: Improbability (n.) The quality or state of being improbable; unlikelihood; also, that which is improbable; an improbable event or result..
Verisimilitude :: Verisimilitude (n.) The quality or state of being verisimilar; the appearance of truth; probability; likelihood.
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) Probability; likelihood.
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