Definition of improbability

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Improbability (n.) The quality or state of being improbable; unlikelihood; also, that which is improbable; an improbable event or result..

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Improbability :: Improbability (n.) The quality or state of being improbable; unlikelihood; also, that which is improbable; an improbable event or result..
Possible :: Possible (a.) Capable of existing or occurring, or of being conceived or thought of; able to happen; capable of being done; not contrary to the nature of things; -- sometimes used to express extreme improbability; barely able to be, or to come to pass; as, possibly he is honest, as it is possible that Judas meant no wrong..
Antecedent :: Antecedent (a.) Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability..
Dislikelihood :: Dislikelihood (n.) The want of likelihood; improbability.
Inverisimilitude :: Inverisimilitude (n.) Want of verisimilitude or likelihood; improbability.
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