Definition of ardor

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Ardor (n.) Warmth or heat of passion or affection; eagerness; zeal; as, he pursues study with ardor; the fought with ardor; martial ardor..

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Frigid :: Frigid (a.) Wanting warmth, fervor, ardor, fire, vivacity, etc.; unfeeling; forbidding in manner; dull and unanimated; stiff and formal; as, a frigid constitution; a frigid style; a frigid look or manner; frigid obedience or service..
Constitutional :: Constitutional (a.) Belonging to, or inherent in, the constitution, or in the structure of body or mind; as, a constitutional infirmity; constitutional ardor or dullness..
Coolness :: Coolness (n.) The state of being cool; a moderate degree of cold; a moderate degree, or a want, of passion; want of ardor, zeal, or affection; calmness..
Coolly :: Coolly (adv.) In a cool manner; without heat or excessive cold; without passion or ardor; calmly; deliberately; with indifference; impudently.
Disinflame :: Disinflame (v. t.) To divest of flame or ardor.
Mettle :: Mettle (n.) Substance or quality of temperament; spirit, esp. as regards honor, courage, fortitude, ardor, etc.; disposition; -- usually in a good sense..
Fervor :: Fervor (n.) Intensity of feeling or expression; glowing ardor; passion; holy zeal; earnestness.
Elan :: Elan (b.) Ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm.
Warmth :: Warmth (n.) A state of lively and excited interest; zeal; ardor; fervor; passion; enthusiasm; earnestness; as, the warmth of love or piety; he replied with much warmth..
Cold :: Cold (n.) Wanting in ardor, intensity, warmth, zeal, or passion; spiritless; unconcerned; reserved..
Infusion :: Infusion (v. t.) The act of infusing, pouring in, or instilling; instillation; as, the infusion of good principles into the mind; the infusion of ardor or zeal..
Spirit :: Spirit (n.) Energy, vivacity, ardor, enthusiasm, courage, etc..
Reardorse :: Reardorse (n.) Alt. of Reardos.
Hot :: Hot (superl.) Characterized by heat, ardor, or animation; easily excited; firely; vehement; passionate; violent; eager..
Flame :: Flame (n.) Ardor of affection; the passion of love.
Warm :: Warm (a.) To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven.
Zeal :: Zeal (n.) Passionate ardor in the pursuit of anything; eagerness in favor of a person or cause; ardent and active interest; engagedness; enthusiasm; fervor.
Heat :: Heat (n.) Animation, as in discourse; ardor; fervency..
Boiling :: Boiling (a.) Heated to the point of bubbling; heaving with bubbles; in tumultuous agitation, as boiling liquid; surging; seething; swelling with heat, ardor, or passion..
Vehemence :: Vehemence (n.) Violent ardor; great heat; animated fervor; as, the vehemence of love, anger, or other passions..
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