Definition of juror

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Juror (n.) A member of a jury; a juryman.

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Juryman :: "Juryman (n.) One who is impaneled on a jury, or who serves as a juror..
Panel :: Panel (n.) A piece of parchment or a schedule, containing the names of persons summoned as jurors by the sheriff; hence, more generally, the whole jury..
Array :: Array (n.) The whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court.
Challenge :: Challenge (n.) An exception to a juror or to a member of a court martial, coupled with a demand that he should be held incompetent to act; the claim of a party that a certain person or persons shall not sit in trial upon him or his cause..
Incompetency :: Incompetency (n.) Want of competency or legal fitness; incapacity; disqualification, as of a person to be heard as a witness, or to act as a juror, or of a judge to try a cause..
Impanel :: Impanel (v. t.) To enter in a list, or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; to form or enroll, as a list of jurors in a court of justice..
Jongler :: Jongler (n.) A juggler; a conjuror. See Juggler.
Default :: Default (n.) A neglect of, or failure to take, some step necessary to secure the benefit of law, as a failure to appear in court at a day assigned, especially of the defendant in a suit when called to make answer; also of jurors, witnesses, etc..
Frank-law :: Frank-law (n.) The liberty of being sworn in courts, as a juror or witness; one of the ancient privileges of a freeman; free and common law; -- an obsolete expression signifying substantially the same as the American expression civil rights..
Talesman :: Talesman (n.) A person called to make up a deficiency in the number of jurors when a tales is awarded.
Ambidexterity :: Ambidexterity (n.) A juror's taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.
Empanel :: Empanel (n.) A list of jurors; a panel.
Nonjuror :: Nonjuror (n.) One of those adherents of James II. who refused to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, or to their successors, after the revolution of 1688; a Jacobite..
Assizor :: Assizor (n.) A juror.
Tales :: Tales (n.) Persons added to a jury, commonly from those in or about the courthouse, to make up any deficiency in the number of jurors regularly summoned, being like, or such as, the latter..
Cojuror :: Cojuror (n.) One who swears to another's credibility.
Juror :: Juror (n.) A member of a jury; a juryman.
Conjuror :: Conjuror (n.) One bound by a common oath with others.
Ambidexter :: Ambidexter (n.) A juror who takes money from both parties for giving his verdict.
Nonjurorism :: Nonjurorism (n.) The doctrines, or action, of the Nonjurors..
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