Definition of trier

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Trier (n.) A person appointed according to law to try challenges of jurors; a trior.

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Trierarchises :: Trierarchises (pl. ) of Trierarch.
Trier :: Trier (n.) One who tries judicially.
Trierarch :: Trierarch (n.) At Athens, one who (singly, or jointly with other citizens) had to fit out a trireme for the public service..
Trier :: Trier (n.) That which tries or approves; a test.
Trier :: Trier (n.) A person appointed according to law to try challenges of jurors; a trior.
Trierarch :: Trierarch (n.) The commander of a trireme.
Trior :: Trior (n.) Same as Trier, 2 and 3..
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) One who, or that which, searhes or examines; a seeker; an inquirer; an examiner; a trier..
Trierarchy :: Trierarchy (n.) The office duty of a trierarch.
Searcher :: Searcher (n.) An implement for sampling butter; a butter trier.
Trier :: Trier (n.) One who tries; one who makes experiments; one who examines anything by a test or standard.
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