Definition of apparent

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Apparent (n.) An heir apparent.

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Refraction :: Refraction (n.) The correction which is to be deducted from the apparent altitude of a heavenly body on account of atmospheric refraction, in order to obtain the true altitude..
Meaning :: Meaning (n.) That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent..
Sublimed :: Sublime (v. i.) To pass off in vapor, with immediate condensation; specifically, to evaporate or volatilize from the solid state without apparent melting; -- said of those substances, like arsenic, benzoic acid, etc., which do not exhibit a liquid form on heating, except under increased pressure..
Falsism :: Falsism (n.) That which is evidently false; an assertion or statement the falsity of which is plainly apparent; -- opposed to truism.
Strain :: Strain (a.) To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with apparent effort; to force; to constrain.
Legible :: Legible (a.) Capable of being discovered or understood by apparent marks or indications; as, the thoughts of men are often legible in their countenances..
Sarcolemma :: Sarcolemma (n.) The very thin transparent and apparently homogeneous sheath which incloses a striated muscular fiber; the myolemma.
Apparent :: Apparent (n.) An heir apparent.
Asphyxy :: Asphyxy (n.) Apparent death, or suspended animation; the condition which results from interruption of respiration, as in suffocation or drowning, or the inhalation of irrespirable gases..
Harmonical :: Harmonical (a.) Relating to harmony, -- as melodic relates to melody; harmonious; esp., relating to the accessory sounds or overtones which accompany the predominant and apparent single tone of any string or sonorous body..
Marasmus :: Marasmus (n.) A wasting of flesh without fever or apparent disease; a kind of consumption; atrophy; phthisis.
Occasionalism :: Occasionalism (n.) The system of occasional causes; -- a name given to certain theories of the Cartesian school of philosophers, as to the intervention of the First Cause, by which they account for the apparent reciprocal action of the soul and the body..
Specious :: Specious (a.) Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct, but not so in reality; appearing well at first view; plausible; as, specious reasoning; a specious argument..
Obverse :: Obverse (a.) Anything necessarily involved in, or answering to, another; the more apparent or conspicuous of two possible sides, or of two corresponding things..
Manifest :: Manifest (a.) Evident to the senses, esp. to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceived; hence, obvious to the understanding; apparent to the mind; easily apprehensible; plain; not obscure or hidden..
Indubitable :: Indubitable (a.) Not dubitable or doubtful; too evident to admit of doubt; unquestionable; evident; apparently certain; as, an indubitable conclusion..
Supped :: Sunwise (adv.) In the direction of the sun's apparent motion, or from the east southward and westward, and so around the circle; also, in the same direction as the movement of the hands of a watch lying face upward..
Apparentness :: Apparentness (n.) Plainness to the eye or the mind; visibleness; obviousness.
Seemingly :: Seemingly (adv.) In appearance; in show; in semblance; apparently; ostensibly.
Harmonics :: Harmonics (n.) Secondary and less distinct tones which accompany any principal, and apparently simple, tone, as the octave, the twelfth, the fifteenth, and the seventeenth. The name is also applied to the artificial tones produced by a string or column of air, when the impulse given to it suffices only to make a part of the string or column vibrate; overtones..
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