Definition of phantom

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Phantom (n.) That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal image.

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Empuse :: Empuse (n.) A phantom or specter.
Phantomatic :: Phantomatic (a.) Phantasmal.
Spectre :: Spectre (n.) Something preternaturally visible; an apparition; a ghost; a phantom.
Phasma :: Phasma (n.) An apparition; a phantom; an appearance.
Goblin :: Goblin (n.) An evil or mischievous spirit; a playful or malicious elf; a frightful phantom; a gnome.
Bugbear :: Bugbear (v. t.) To alarm with idle phantoms.
Phantasm :: Phantasm (n.) An image formed by the mind, and supposed to be real or material; a shadowy or airy appearance; sometimes, an optical illusion; a phantom; a dream..
Shadow :: Shadow (n.) A spirit; a ghost; a shade; a phantom.
Fantastic :: Fantastic (a.) Having the nature of a phantom; unreal.
Visionary :: Visionary (n.) One whose imagination is disturbed; one who sees visions or phantoms.
Form :: Form (n.) A shape; an image; a phantom.
Docetae :: Docetae (n. pl.) Ancient heretics who held that Christ's body was merely a phantom or appearance.
Ghost :: Ghost (n.) Any faint shadowy semblance; an unsubstantial image; a phantom; a glimmering; as, not a ghost of a chance; the ghost of an idea..
Vision :: Vision (v.) Especially, that which is seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight, or the rational eye; a supernatural, prophetic, or imaginary sight; an apparition; a phantom; a specter; as, the visions of Isaiah..
Apparition :: Apparition (n.) An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; a ghost; a specter; a phantom..
Phantom :: Phantom (n.) That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal image.
Bogle :: Bogle (n.) A goblin; a specter; a frightful phantom; a bogy; a bugbear.
Visionary :: Visionary (a.) Affected by phantoms; disposed to receive impressions on the imagination; given to reverie; apt to receive, and act upon, fancies as if they were realities..
Eidolon :: Eidolon (n.) An image or representation; a form; a phantom; an apparition.
Fantom :: Fantom (n.) See Phantom.
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