Aerognosy :: Aerognosy (n.) The science which treats of the properties of the air, and of the part it plays in nature..
Agnoiology :: Agnoiology (n.) The doctrine concerning those things of which we are necessarily ignorant.
Agnomen :: Agnomen (n.) An additional or fourth name given by the Romans, on account of some remarkable exploit or event; as, Publius Caius Scipio Africanus..
Agnomen :: Agnomen (n.) An additional name, or an epithet appended to a name; as, Aristides the Just..
Agnostic :: Agnostic (a.) Professing ignorance; involving no dogmatic; pertaining to or involving agnosticism.
Agnostic :: Agnostic (n.) One who professes ignorance, or denies that we have any knowledge, save of phenomena; one who supports agnosticism, neither affirming nor denying the existence of a personal Deity, a future life, etc..
Agnosticism :: Agnosticism (n.) That doctrine which, professing ignorance, neither asserts nor denies..
Agnosticism :: Agnosticism (n.) The doctrine that the existence of a personal Deity, an unseen world, etc., can be neither proved nor disproved, because of the necessary limits of the human mind (as sometimes charged upon Hamilton and Mansel), or because of the insufficiency of the evidence furnished by physical and physical data, to warrant a positive conclusion (as taught by the school of Herbert Spencer); -- opposed alike dogmatic skepticism and to dogmatic theism..
Al Segno :: Al segno () A direction for the performer to return and recommence from the sign /.
Anagnorisis :: Anagnorisis (n.) The unfolding or denouement.
Assignor :: Assignor (n.) An assigner; a person who assigns or transfers an interest; as, the assignor of a debt or other chose in action..
Astrognosy :: Astrognosy (n.) The science or knowledge of the stars, esp. the fixed stars..
Avignon Berry :: Avignon berry () The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, eand of other species of the same genus; -- so called from the city of Avignon, in France. It is used by dyers and painters for coloring yellow. Called also French berry..
Bignonia :: Bignonia (n.) A large genus of American, mostly tropical, climbing shrubs, having compound leaves and showy somewhat tubular flowers. B. capreolata is the cross vine of the Southern United States. The trumpet creeper was formerly considered to be of this genus..
Bignoniaceous :: Bignoniaceous (a.) Of pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the trumpet flower is an example..
Biognosis :: Biognosis (n.) The investigation of life.
Campagnol :: Campagnol (n.) A mouse (Arvicala agrestis), called also meadow mouse, which often does great damage in fields and gardens, by feeding on roots and seeds..
Carmagnole :: Carmagnole (n.) A popular or Red Rebublican song and dance, of the time of the first French Revolution..
Carmagnole :: Carmagnole (n.) A bombastic report from the French armies.
Champignon :: Champignon (n.) An edible species of mushroom (Agaricus campestris).
Chignon :: Chignon (n.) A knot, boss, or mass of hair, natural or artificial, worn by a woman at the back of the head..
Chirognomy :: Chirognomy (n.) The art of judging character by the shape and appearance of the hand.
Coerulignone :: Coerulignone (n.) A bluish violet, crystalline substance obtained in the purification of crude wood vinegar. It is regarded as a complex quinone derivative of diphenyl; -- called also cedriret..
Cognomen :: Cognomen (n.) The last of the three names of a person among the ancient Romans, denoting his house or family..