Definition of hood

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Hood (n.) A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment.

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Support :: Support (v. t.) To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood; to maintain; to provide for; as, to support a family; to support the ministers of the gospel..
Deaconhood :: Deaconhood (n.) The state of being a deacon; office of a deacon; deaconship.
Rufterhood :: Rufterhood (n.) A kind of hood for a hawk.
Bonnet :: Bonnet (n.) A metallic canopy, or projection, over an opening, as a fireplace, or a cowl or hood to increase the draught of a chimney, etc..
Trumpery :: Trumpery (n.) Something serving to deceive by false show or pretense; falsehood; deceit; worthless but showy matter; hence, things worn out and of no value; rubbish..
Hood :: Hood (n.) The endmost plank of a strake which reaches the stem or stern.
Wifehood :: Wifehood (n.) The state of being a wife; the character of a wife.
Incarnation :: Incarnation (n.) The union of the second person of the Godhead with manhood in Christ.
Widowerhood :: Widowerhood (n.) The state of being a widower.
Priesthood :: Priesthood (n.) Priests, taken collectively; the order of men set apart for sacred offices; the order of priests..
Presence :: Presence (n.) The place in which one is present; the part of space within one's ken, call, influence, etc.; neighborhood without the intervention of anything that forbids intercourse..
Morris :: Morris (n.) A dance formerly common in England, often performed in pagenats, processions, and May games. The dancers, grotesquely dressed and ornamented, took the parts of Robin Hood, Maidmarian, and other fictious characters..
Moble :: Moble (v. t.) To wrap the head of in a hood.
Dub :: Dub (v. t.) To confer knighthood upon; as, the king dubbed his son Henry a knight..
Swelldom :: Swell (a.) Having the characteristics of a person of rank and importance; showy; dandified; distinguished; as, a swell person; a swell neighborhood..
Foehood :: Foehood (n.) Enmity.
Cucullated :: Cucullated (a.) Hooded; cowled; covered, as with a hood..
Hood :: Hood (n.) A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment.
Verisimilitude :: Verisimilitude (n.) The quality or state of being verisimilar; the appearance of truth; probability; likelihood.
Fathership :: Fathership (n.) The state of being a father; fatherhood; paternity.
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