Definition of girl

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of girl is as below...

Girl (n.) A female child, from birth to the age of puberty; a young maiden..

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Girl :: Girl (n.) A female child, from birth to the age of puberty; a young maiden..
Romp :: Romp (n.) A girl who indulges in boisterous play.
Hussy :: Hussy (n.) A worthless woman or girl; a forward wench; a jade; -- used as a term of contempt or reproach.
Miss :: Miss (n.) A young unmarried woman or a girl; as, she is a miss of sixteen..
Girl :: Girl (n.) A roebuck two years old.
Old-fashioned :: Old-fashioned (a.) Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; adhering to old customs or ideas; as, an old-fashioned dress, girl..
Nymph :: Nymph (n.) A lovely young girl; a maiden; a damsel.
Grisette :: Grisette (n.) A French girl or young married woman of the lower class; more frequently, a young working woman who is fond of gallantry..
Stag :: Stag (n.) A colt, or filly; also, a romping girl..
Pigsney :: Pigsney (n.) A word of endearment for a girl or woman.
Blushet :: Blushet (n.) A modest girl.
Hoiden :: Hoiden (n.) A rude, bold girl; a romp..
Bird :: Bird (n.) Fig.: A girl; a maiden.
Covey :: Covey (n.) A company; a bevy; as, a covey of girls..
Slut :: Slut (n.) A servant girl; a drudge.
Missy :: Missy (n.) An affectionate, or contemptuous, form of miss; a young girl; a miss..
Minx :: Minx (n.) A pert or a wanton girl.
Tomrig :: Tomrig (n.) A rude, wild, wanton girl; a hoiden; a tomboy..
Bonnibel :: Bonnibel (n.) A handsome girl.
Teens :: Teens (n. pl.) The years of one's age having the termination -teen, beginning with thirteen and ending with nineteen; as, a girl in her teens..
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