Assignor :: Assignor (n.) An assigner; a person who assigns or transfers an interest; as, the assignor of a debt or other chose in action..
Avignon Berry :: Avignon berry () The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, eand of other species of the same genus; -- so called from the city of Avignon, in France. It is used by dyers and painters for coloring yellow. Called also French berry..
Bignonia :: Bignonia (n.) A large genus of American, mostly tropical, climbing shrubs, having compound leaves and showy somewhat tubular flowers. B. capreolata is the cross vine of the Southern United States. The trumpet creeper was formerly considered to be of this genus..
Bignoniaceous :: Bignoniaceous (a.) Of pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the trumpet flower is an example..
Champignon :: Champignon (n.) An edible species of mushroom (Agaricus campestris).
Chignon :: Chignon (n.) A knot, boss, or mass of hair, natural or artificial, worn by a woman at the back of the head..
Coerulignone :: Coerulignone (n.) A bluish violet, crystalline substance obtained in the purification of crude wood vinegar. It is regarded as a complex quinone derivative of diphenyl; -- called also cedriret..
Consignor :: Consignor (n.) One who consigns something to another; -- opposed to consignee.
Deignous :: Deignous (a.) Haughty; disdainful.
Dignotion :: Dignotion (n.) Distinguishing mark; diagnostic.
Ignobility :: Ignobility (n.) Ignobleness.
Ignoble :: Ignoble (a.) Of low birth or family; not noble; not illustrious; plebeian; common; humble.
Ignoble :: Ignoble (a.) Not honorable, elevated, or generous; base..
Ignoble :: Ignoble (a.) Not a true or noble falcon; -- said of certain hawks, as the goshawk..
Ignoble :: Ignoble (v. t.) To make ignoble.
Ignobleness :: Ignobleness (n.) State or quality of being ignoble.
Ignobly :: Ignobly (adv.) In an ignoble manner; basely.
Ignominies :: Ignominies (pl. ) of Ignomin.
Ignominious :: Ignominious (a.) Marked with ignominy; in curring public disgrace; dishonorable; shameful.
Ignominious :: Ignominious (a.) Deserving ignominy; despicable.
Ignominious :: Ignominious (a.) Humiliating; degrading; as, an ignominious judgment or sentence..
Ignominiously :: Ignominiously (adv.) In an ignominious manner; disgracefully; shamefully; ingloriously.
Ignominy :: Ignominy (n.) Public disgrace or dishonor; reproach; infamy.
Ignominy :: Ignominy (n.) An act deserving disgrace; an infamous act.
Ignomy :: Ignomy (n.) Ignominy.
Ignoramus :: Ignoramus (n.) We are ignorant; we ignore; -- being the word formerly written on a bill of indictment by a grand jury when there was not sufficient evidence to warrant them in finding it a true bill. The phrase now used is, No bill, No true bill, or Not found, though in some jurisdictions Ignored is still used..
Ignoramus :: Ignoramus (n.) A stupid, ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge; a dunce..
Ignoramuses :: Ignoramuses (pl. ) of Ignoramu.
Ignorance :: Ignorance (n.) The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed..
Ignorance :: Ignorance (n.) A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is his duty to have.
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