Definition of even

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Even (a.) As might not be expected; -- serving to introduce what is unexpected or less expected.

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War :: War (n.) A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities..
Prophet :: Prophet (n.) One inspired or instructed by God to speak in his name, or announce future events, as, Moses, Elijah, etc..
B :: B () is the second letter of the English alphabet. (See Guide to Pronunciation, // 196, 220.) It is etymologically related to p, v, f, w and m , letters representing sounds having a close organic affinity to its own sound; as in Eng. bursar and purser; Eng. bear and Lat. ferre; Eng. silver and Ger. silber; Lat. cubitum and It. gomito; Eng. seven, Anglo-Saxon seofon, Ger. sieben, Lat. septem, Gr.epta`, Sanskrit saptan. The form of letter B is Roman, from Greek B (Beta), of Semitic origin. The sma
Spilt :: Spillway (n.) A sluiceway or passage for superfluous water in a reservoir, to prevent too great pressure on the dam..
Eleven :: Eleven (n.) The eleven men selected to play on one side in a match, as the representatives of a club or a locality; as, the all-England eleven..
Thallogen :: Thallogen (n.) One of a large class or division of the vegetable kingdom, which includes those flowerless plants, such as fungi, algae, and lichens, that consist of a thallus only, composed of cellular tissue, or of a congeries of cells, or even of separate cells, and never show a distinction into root, stem, and leaf..
Justify :: "Justify (a.) To make even or true, as lines of type, by proper spacing; to adjust, as type. See Justification, 4..
Bridgehead :: Bridgehead (n.) A fortification commanding the extremity of a bridge nearest the enemy, to insure the preservation and usefulness of the bridge, and prevent the enemy from crossing; a tete-de-pont..
Yet :: Yet (conj.) Even; -- used emphatically.
Antimacassar :: Antimacassar (n.) A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, etc., to prevent them from being soiled by macassar or other oil from the hair..
Until :: Until (prep.) To; up to; till; before; -- used of time; as, he staid until evening; he will not come back until the end of the month..
Quadrate :: Quadrate (a.) Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
Smooth :: Smooth (a.) To make smooth; to make even on the surface by any means; as, to smooth a board with a plane; to smooth cloth with an iron..
Picket :: Picket (n.) By extension, men appointed by a trades union, or other labor organization, to intercept outsiders, and prevent them from working for employers with whom the organization is at variance..
Prevention :: Prevention (n.) The act of preventing or hindering; obstruction of action, access, or approach; thwarting..
Neven :: Neven (v. t.) To name; to mention; to utter.
Even :: Even (v. t.) To act up to; to keep pace with.
Wedgwood Ware :: Wedgwood ware () A kind of fine pottery, the most remarkable being what is called jasper, either white, or colored throughout the body, and capable of being molded into the most delicate forms, so that fine and minute bas-reliefs like cameos were made of it, fit even for being set as jewels..
Treasurer :: Treasurer (n.) One who has the care of a treasure or treasure or treasury; an officer who receives the public money arising from taxes and duties, or other sources of revenue, takes charge of the same, and disburses it upon orders made by the proper authority; one who has charge of collected funds; as, the treasurer of a society or corporation..
Hinder :: Hinder (a.) To keep back or behind; to prevent from starting or moving forward; to check; to retard; to obstruct; to bring to a full stop; -- often followed by from; as, an accident hindered the coach; drought hinders the growth of plants; to hinder me from going..
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