Antipyresis :: Antipyresis (n.) The condition or state of being free from fever.
Aphaeresis :: Aphaeresis (n.) Same as Apheresis.
Apheresis :: Apheresis (n.) The dropping of a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; e. g., cute for acute..
Apheresis :: Apheresis (n.) An operation by which any part is separated from the rest.
Atresia :: Atresia (n.) Absence or closure of a natural passage or channel of the body; imperforation.
Catachresis :: Catachresis (n.) A figure by which one word is wrongly put for another, or by which a word is wrested from its true signification; as, To take arms against a sea of troubles. Shak. Her voice was but the shadow of a sound. Young..
Ceresin :: Ceresin (n.) A white wax, made by bleaching and purifying ozocerite, and used as a substitute for beeswax..
Diaeresis :: Diaeresis (n.) Alt. of Dieresi.
Diaphoresis :: Diaphoresis (n.) Perspiration, or an increase of perspiration..
Dieresis :: Dieresis (n.) The separation or resolution of one syllable into two; -- the opposite of synaeresis.
Dieresis :: Dieresis (n.) A mark consisting of two dots [/], placed over the second of two adjacent vowels, to denote that they are to be pronounced as distinct letters; as, cooperate, aerial..
Dieresis :: Dieresis (n.) Same as Diaeresis.
Diuresis :: Diuresis (n.) Free excretion of urine.
Enuresis :: Enuresis (n.) An involuntary discharge of urine; incontinence of urine.
Exaeresis :: Exaeresis (n.) In old writers, the operations concerned in the removal of parts of the body..
Fireside :: Fireside (n.) A place near the fire or hearth; home; domestic life or retirement.
Foreside :: Foreside (n.) The front side; the front; esp., a stretch of country fronting the sea..
Foreside :: Foreside (n.) The outside or external covering.
Foresight :: Foresight (n.) The act or the power of foreseeing; prescience; foreknowledge.
Foresight :: Foresight (n.) Action in reference to the future; provident care; prudence; wise forethought.
Foresight :: Foresight (n.) Any sight or reading of the leveling staff, except the backsight; any sight or bearing taken by a compass or theodolite in a forward direction..
Foresight :: Foresight (n.) Muzzle sight. See Fore sight, under Fore, a..
Foresighted :: Foresighted (a.) Sagacious; prudent; provident for the future.
Foresightful :: Foresightful (a.) Foresighted.
Foresignify :: Foresignify (v. t.) To signify beforehand; to foreshow; to typify.
Heresiarch :: Heresiarch (n.) A leader in heresy; the chief of a sect of heretics.
Heresiarchy :: Heresiarchy (n.) A chief or great heresy.
Heresies :: Heresies (pl. ) of Heres.
Heresiographer :: Heresiographer (n.) One who writes on heresies.
Heresiography :: Heresiography (n.) A treatise on heresy.
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