Definition of rondel

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Rondel (n.) Specifically, a particular form of rondeau containing fourteen lines in two rhymes, the refrain being a repetition of the first and second lines as the seventh and eighth, and again as the thirteenth and fourteenth..

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Rondel :: Rondel (n.) Specifically, a particular form of rondeau containing fourteen lines in two rhymes, the refrain being a repetition of the first and second lines as the seventh and eighth, and again as the thirteenth and fourteenth..
Rondeletia :: Rondeletia (n.) A tropical genus of rubiaceous shrubs which often have brilliant flowers.
Roundelay :: Roundelay (n.) See Rondeau, and Rondel..
Man-eater :: Man-eater (n.) One who, or that which, has an appetite for human flesh; specifically, one of certain large sharks (esp. Carcharodon Rondeleti); also, a lion or a tiger which has acquired the habit of feeding upon human flesh..
Rondel :: Rondel (n.) A small round tower erected at the foot of a bastion.
Rondel :: Rondel (n.) Same as Rondeau.
Roundel :: Roundel (a.) A rondelay.
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