Definition of eliminate

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Eliminate (v. t.) To set aside as unimportant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration.

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Gland :: Gland (n.) An organ for secreting something to be used in, or eliminated from, the body; as, the sebaceous glands of the skin; the salivary glands of the mouth..
Eliminated :: Eliminated (imp. & p. p.) of Eliminat.
Uropoetic :: Uropoetic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a system of organs which eliminate nitrogenous waste matter from the blood of certain invertebrates..
Eliminate :: Eliminate (v. t.) To put out of doors; to expel; to discharge; to release; to set at liberty.
Eliminate :: Eliminate (v. t.) To set aside as unimportant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration.
Eliminate :: Eliminate (v. t.) To obtain by separating, as from foreign matters; to deduce; as, to eliminate an idea or a conclusion..
Exterminate :: Exterminate (v. t.) To eliminate, as unknown quantities..
Eliminate :: Eliminate (v. t.) To separate; to expel from the system; to excrete; as, the kidneys eliminate urea, the lungs carbonic acid; to eliminate poison from the system..
Hydrate :: Hydrate (n.) A substance which does not contain water as such, but has its constituents (hydrogen, oxygen, hydroxyl) so arranged that water may be eliminated; hence, a derivative of, or compound with, hydroxyl; hydroxide; as, ethyl hydrate, or common alcohol; calcium hydrate, or slaked lime..
Elimination :: Elimination (n.) The act of obtaining by separation, or as the result of eliminating; deduction. [See Eliminate, 4.].
Eliminate :: Eliminate (v. t.) To cause to disappear from an equation; as, to eliminate an unknown quantity..
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