Definition of detached

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Detached (imp. & p. p.) of Detac.

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Embolus :: Embolus (n.) A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most frequently of a clot of fibrin, a detached shred of a morbid growth, a globule of fat, or a microscopic organism..
Fragment :: Fragment (v. t.) A part broken off; a small, detached portion; an imperfect part; as, a fragment of an ancient writing..
Debris :: Debris (n.) Broken and detached fragments, taken collectively; especially, fragments detached from a rock or mountain, and piled up at the base..
Disengage :: Disengage (v. i.) To release one's self; to become detached; to free one's self.
Isolated :: Isolated (a.) Placed or standing alone; detached; separated from others.
Detachment :: Detachment (n.) That which is detached; especially, a body of troops or part of a fleet sent from the main body on special service..
Picket :: Picket (n.) A detached body of troops serving to guard an army from surprise, and to oppose reconnoitering parties of the enemy; -- called also outlying picket..
Dot :: Dot (v. t.) To mark or diversify with small detached objects; as, a landscape dotted with cottages..
Detachment :: Detachment (n.) The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached..
Scrap :: Scrap (v. t.) Something scraped off; hence, a small piece; a bit; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion..
Ravelin :: Ravelin (n.) A detached work with two embankments which make a salient angle. It is raised before the curtain on the counterscarp of the place. Formerly called demilune, and half-moon..
Spiccato :: Spiccato (a.) Detached; separated; -- a term indicating that every note is to be performed in a distinct and pointed manner.
Detached :: Detached (a.) Separate; unconnected, or imperfectly connected; as, detached parcels..
Partisan :: Partisan (a.) Serving as a partisan in a detached command; as, a partisan officer or corps..
Amygdaloid :: Amygdaloid (n.) A variety of trap or basaltic rock, containing small cavities, occupied, wholly or in part, by nodules or geodes of different minerals, esp. agates, quartz, calcite, and the zeolites. When the imbedded minerals are detached or removed by decomposition, it is porous, like lava..
Gnomical :: Gnomical (a.) Sententious; uttering or containing maxims, or striking detached thoughts; aphoristic..
Layer :: Layer (n.) A shoot or twig of a plant, not detached from the stock, laid under ground for growth or propagation..
Studbook :: Stud (v. t.) To set with detached ornaments or prominent objects; to set thickly, as with studs..
Isolate :: Isolate (v. t.) To place in a detached situation; to place by itself or alone; to insulate; to separate from others.
Hectocotylus :: Hectocotylus (n.) One of the arms of the male of most kinds of cephalopods, which is specially modified in various ways to effect the fertilization of the eggs. In a special sense, the greatly modified arm of Argonauta and allied genera, which, after receiving the spermatophores, becomes detached from the male, and attaches itself to the female for reproductive purposes..
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