Definition of detached

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Detached (a.) Separate; unconnected, or imperfectly connected; as, detached parcels..

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Amygdaloid :: Amygdaloid (n.) A variety of trap or basaltic rock, containing small cavities, occupied, wholly or in part, by nodules or geodes of different minerals, esp. agates, quartz, calcite, and the zeolites. When the imbedded minerals are detached or removed by decomposition, it is porous, like lava..
Dotted :: Dotted (a.) Marked with, or made of, dots or small spots; diversified with small, detached objects..
Detachable :: Detachable (a.) That can be detached.
L''envoy :: L'envoy (n.) One or more detached verses at the end of a literary composition, serving to convey the moral, or to address the poem to a particular person; -- orig. employed in old French poetry..
Disengage :: Disengage (v. i.) To release one's self; to become detached; to free one's self.
Sputterer :: Sputter (n.) Moist matter thrown out in small detached particles; also, confused and hasty speech..
Detached :: Detached (imp. & p. p.) of Detac.
Scrap :: Scrap (v. t.) Something scraped off; hence, a small piece; a bit; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion..
Outlying :: Outlying (a.) Lying or being at a distance from the central part, or the main body; being on, or beyond, the frontier; exterior; remote; detached..
Embolus :: Embolus (n.) A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most frequently of a clot of fibrin, a detached shred of a morbid growth, a globule of fat, or a microscopic organism..
Butte :: Butte (n.) A detached low mountain, or high rising abruptly from the general level of the surrounding plain; -- applied to peculiar elevations in the Rocky Mountain region..
Debris :: Debris (n.) Broken and detached fragments, taken collectively; especially, fragments detached from a rock or mountain, and piled up at the base..
Picket :: Picket (n.) A detached body of troops serving to guard an army from surprise, and to oppose reconnoitering parties of the enemy; -- called also outlying picket..
Medley :: Medley (n.) A composition of passages detached from several different compositions; a potpourri.
Turning :: Turning (n.) The pieces, or chips, detached in the process of turning from the material turned..
Detachment :: Detachment (n.) The act of detaching or separating, or the state of being detached..
Insulate :: Insulate (v. t.) To place in a detached situation, or in a state having no communication with surrounding objects; to isolate; to separate..
Studbook :: Stud (v. t.) To set with detached ornaments or prominent objects; to set thickly, as with studs..
Sessile :: Sessile (a.) Permanently attached; -- said of the gonophores of certain hydroids which never became detached.
Bastion :: Bastion (n.) A work projecting outward from the main inclosure of a fortification, consisting of two faces and two flanks, and so constructed that it is able to defend by a flanking fire the adjacent curtain, or wall which extends from one bastion to another. Two adjacent bastions are connected by the curtain, which joins the flank of one with the adjacent flank of the other. The distance between the flanks of a bastion is called the gorge. A lunette is a detached bastion. See Ravelin..
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