Definition of crossed

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Crossed (imp. & p. p.) of Cros.

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Strass :: Strapwork (n.) A kind of ornament consisting of a narrow fillet or band folded, crossed, and interlaced..
Intercrossed :: Intercrossed (imp. & p. p.) of Intercros.
Crosslet :: Crosslet (a.) Crossed again; -- said of a cross the arms of which are crossed. SeeCross-crosslet.
Meridian :: Meridian (a.) A great circle of the sphere passing through the poles of the heavens and the zenith of a given place. It is crossed by the sun at midday.
Cross-crosslet :: Cross-crosslet (n.) A cross having the three upper ends crossed, so as to from three small crosses..
Transpassable :: Transpassable (a.) Capable of being transpassed, or crossed over..
Linsang :: Linsang (n.) Any viverrine mammal of the genus Prionodon, inhabiting the East Indies and Southern Asia. The common East Indian linsang (P. gracilis) is white, crossed by broad, black bands. The Guinea linsang (Porana Richardsonii) is brown with black spots..
Moline :: Moline (n.) The crossed iron that supports the upper millstone by resting on the spindle; a millrind.
Warp :: Warp (v.) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and crossed by the woof..
Crosslegged :: CRosslegged (a.) Having the legs crossed.
Cuckold''s Knot :: Cuckold's knot () A hitch or knot, by which a rope is secured to a spar, the two parts of the rope being crossed and seized together; -- called also cuckold's neck..
Battledoor :: Battledoor (n.) An instrument, with a handle and a flat part covered with parchment or crossed with catgut, used to strike a shuttlecock in play; also, the play of battledoor and shuttlecock..
Suability :: Styx (n.) The principal river of the lower world, which had to be crossed in passing to the regions of the dead..
Intransgressible :: Intransgressible (a.) Incapable of being transgressed; not to be passes over or crossed.
Cross :: Cross (v. t.) To make the sign of the cross upon; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun; as, he crossed himself..
Stare :: Star-crossed (a.) Not favored by the stars; ill-fated.
Cross-armed :: Cross-armed (a.) With arms crossed.
Crisscross :: Crisscross (v. t.) To mark or cover with cross lines; as, a paper was crisscrossed with red marks..
Crossing :: Crossing (v. t.) A place where anything (as a stream) is crossed; a paved walk across a street.
Scalaria :: Scalaria (n.) Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods of the genus Scalaria, or family Scalaridae, having elongated spiral turreted shells, with rounded whorls, usually crossed by ribs or varices. The color is generally white or pale. Called also ladder shell, and wentletrap. See Ptenoglossa, and Wentletrap..
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