Definition of cross

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Cross (v. t.) To make the sign of the cross upon; -- followed by the reflexive pronoun; as, he crossed himself..

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Ugly :: Ugly (superl.) Ill-natured; crossgrained; quarrelsome; as, an ugly temper; to feel ugly..
Galaxy :: Galaxy (n.) The Milky Way; that luminous tract, or belt, which is seen at night stretching across the heavens, and which is composed of innumerable stars, so distant and blended as to be distinguishable only with the telescope. The term has recently been used for remote clusters of stars..
Crossbeam :: Crossbeam (n.) A girder.
Crantara :: Crantara (n.) The fiery cross, used as a rallying signal in the Highlands of Scotland..
Brachioganoidei :: Brachioganoidei (n. pl.) An order of ganoid fishes of which the bichir of Africa is a living example. See Crossopterygii.
Cross :: Cross (n.) Church lands.
Arbalister :: Arbalister (n.) A crossbowman.
Cross :: Cross (a.) Not accordant with what is wished or expected; interrupting; adverse; contrary; thwarting; perverse.
Checker :: Checker (n.) To mark with small squares like a checkerboard, as by crossing stripes of different colors..
Bestride :: Bestride (v. t.) To step over; to stride over or across; as, to bestride a threshold..
Crossing :: Crossing (v. t.) The act of interbreeding; a mixing of breeds.
Bolster :: Bolster (n.) The crossbeam forming the bearing piece of the body of a railway car; the central and principal cross beam of a car truck.
Forehook :: Forehook (n.) A piece of timber placed across the stem, to unite the bows and strengthen the fore part of the ship; a breast hook..
Anastomosis :: Anastomosis (n.) The inosculation of vessels, or intercommunication between two or more vessels or nerves, as the cross communication between arteries or veins..
Regime :: Regime (n.) The condition of a river with respect to the rate of its flow, as measured by the volume of water passing different cross sections in a given time, uniform regime being the condition when the flow is equal and uniform at all the cross sections..
Cross-eye :: Cross-eye (n.) See Strabismus.
Swim :: Swim (v. t.) To cause or compel to swim; to make to float; as, to swim a horse across a river..
Stour :: Stoup (n.) A basin at the entrance of Roman Catholic churches for containing the holy water with which those who enter, dipping their fingers in it, cross themselves; -- called also holy-water stoup..
Crossopterygii :: Crossopterygii (n. pl.) An order of ganoid fishes including among living species the bichir (Polypterus). See Brachioganoidei.
Across :: Across (adv.) From side to side; crosswise; as, with arms folded across..
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