Definition of agitation

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Agitation (n.) Excitement of public feeling by discussion, appeals, etc.; as, the antislavery agitation; labor agitation..

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Peace :: Peace (v.) A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repos.
Disturbance :: Disturbance (n.) Violent agitation in the body politic; public commotion; tumult.
Estuation :: Estuation (n.) The act of estuating; commotion, as of a fluid; agitation..
Fermentation :: Fermentation (n.) A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or the feelings..
Ferment :: Ferment (n.) Intestine motion; heat; tumult; agitation.
Pucker :: Pucker (n.) A state of perplexity or anxiety; confusion; bother; agitation.
Still :: Still (adv.) Not disturbed by noise or agitation; quiet; calm; as, a still evening; a still atmosphere..
Flagitation :: Flagitation (n.) Importunity; urgent demand.
Disturbance :: Disturbance (n.) Confusion of the mind; agitation of the feelings; perplexity; uneasiness.
Rocker :: Rocker (n.) Any implement or machine working with a rocking motion, as a trough mounted on rockers for separating gold dust from gravel, etc., by agitation in water..
Shake :: Shake (n.) The act or result of shaking; a vacillating or wavering motion; a rapid motion one way and other; a trembling, quaking, or shivering; agitation..
Froth :: Froth (n.) The bubbles caused in fluids or liquors by fermentation or agitation; spume; foam; esp., a spume of saliva caused by disease or nervous excitement..
Trouble :: Trouble (v. t.) The state of being troubled; disturbance; agitation; uneasiness; vexation; calamity.
Distraction :: Distraction (n.) Agitation from violent emotions; perturbation of mind; despair.
Commotion :: Commotion (n.) Agitation, perturbation, or disorder, of mind; heat; excitement..
Jactation :: Jactation (n.) A throwing or tossing of the body; a shaking or agitation.
Settle :: Settle (v. i.) To become calm; to cease from agitation.
Fret :: Fret (n.) Agitation of mind marked by complaint and impatience; disturbance of temper; irritation; as, he keeps his mind in a continual fret..
Perturbation :: Perturbation (n.) The act of perturbing, or the state of being perturbed; esp., agitation of mind..
Floured :: Floured (p. a.) Finely granulated; -- said of quicksilver which has been granulated by agitation during the amalgamation process.
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