Definition of continuance

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Continuance (n.) Uninterrupted succession; continuation; constant renewal; perpetuation; propagation.

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Durance :: Durance (n.) Continuance; duration. See Endurance.
Abode :: Abode (n.) Place of continuance, or where one dwells; abiding place; residence; a dwelling; a habitation..
Prosecution :: Prosecution (n.) The institution, or commencement, and continuance of a criminal suit; the process of exhibiting formal charges against an offender before a legal tribunal, and pursuing them to final judgment on behalf of the state or government, as by indictment or information..
Swift :: Swift (v. i.) Of short continuance; passing away quickly.
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) The termination of an action in practice by the voluntary act of the plaintiff; an entry on the record that the plaintiff discontinues his action.
Continuance :: Continuance (n.) Uninterrupted succession; continuation; constant renewal; perpetuation; propagation.
Incessancy :: Incessancy (n.) The quality of being incessant; unintermitted continuance; unceasingness.
Abode :: Abode (n.) Stay or continuance in a place; sojourn.
Protract :: Protract (n.) Tedious continuance or delay.
Time-honored :: Time-honored (a.) Honored for a long time; venerable, and worthy of honor, by reason of antiquity, or long continuance..
Inveterate :: Inveterate (a.) Firmly established by long continuance; obstinate; deep-rooted; of long standing; as, an inveterate disease; an inveterate abuse..
Desuetude :: Desuetude (n.) The cessation of use; disuse; discontinuance of practice, custom, or fashion..
Duration :: Duration (n.) The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists.
Thunder :: Thunder (n.) Fig.: To make a loud noise; esp. a heavy sound, of some continuance..
Diurnation :: Diurnation (n.) Continuance during the day.
Twinge :: Twinge (n.) A sudden sharp pain; a darting local pain of momentary continuance; as, a twinge in the arm or side..
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) A breaking off or interruption of an estate, which happened when an alienation was made by a tenant in tail, or other tenant, seized in right of another, of a larger estate than the tenant was entitled to, whereby the party ousted or injured was driven to his real action, and could not enter. This effect of such alienation is now obviated by statute in both England and the United States..
Abidance :: Abidance (n.) The state of abiding; abode; continuance; compliance (with).
Inveterate :: Inveterate (v. t.) To fix and settle by long continuance.
Ephemera :: Ephemera (n.) A fever of one day's continuance only.
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