Definition of discontinuance

Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the english language with its free online services. English definition of discontinuance is as below...

Discontinuance (n.) The act of discontinuing, or the state of being discontinued; want of continued connection or continuity; breaking off; cessation; interruption; as, a discontinuance of conversation or intercourse; discontinuance of a highway or of travel..

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Intermission :: Intermission (n.) The act or the state of intermitting; the state of being neglected or disused; disuse; discontinuance.
Miscontinuance :: Miscontinuance (n.) Discontinuance; also, continuance by undue process..
Cessation :: Cessation (n.) A ceasing or discontinuance, as of action, whether temporary or final; a stop; as, a cessation of the war..
Discontinuee :: Discontinuee (n.) One whose possession of an estate is broken off, or discontinued; one whose estate is subject to discontinuance..
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) The termination of an action in practice by the voluntary act of the plaintiff; an entry on the record that the plaintiff discontinues his action.
Discontinuation :: Discontinuation (n.) Breach or interruption of continuity; separation of parts in a connected series; discontinuance.
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) That technical interruption of the proceedings in pleading in an action, which follows where a defendant does not answer the whole of the plaintiff's declaration, and the plaintiff omits to take judgment for the part unanswered..
Discontinuor :: Discontinuor (n.) One who deprives another of the possession of an estate by discontinuance. See Discontinuance, 2..
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) A breaking off or interruption of an estate, which happened when an alienation was made by a tenant in tail, or other tenant, seized in right of another, of a larger estate than the tenant was entitled to, whereby the party ousted or injured was driven to his real action, and could not enter. This effect of such alienation is now obviated by statute in both England and the United States..
Discontinuance :: Discontinuance (n.) The act of discontinuing, or the state of being discontinued; want of continued connection or continuity; breaking off; cessation; interruption; as, a discontinuance of conversation or intercourse; discontinuance of a highway or of travel..
Formedon :: Formedon (n.) A writ of right for a tenant in tail in case of a discontinuance of the estate tail. This writ has been abolished.
Desuetude :: Desuetude (n.) The cessation of use; disuse; discontinuance of practice, custom, or fashion..
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