Definition of affirmative

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Affirmative (n.) A word or phrase expressing affirmation or assent; as, yes, that is so, etc..

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Affirmative :: Affirmative (a.) Confirmative; ratifying; as, an act affirmative of common law..
Affirmative :: Affirmative (n.) That which affirms as opposed to that which denies; an affirmative proposition; that side of question which affirms or maintains the proposition stated; -- opposed to negative; as, there were forty votes in the affirmative, and ten in the negative..
Affirmative :: Affirmative (a.) Positive; -- a term applied to quantities which are to be added, and opposed to negative, or such as are to be subtracted..
Negative :: Negative (a.) Not positive; without affirmative statement or demonstration; indirect; consisting in the absence of something; privative; as, a negative argument; a negative morality; negative criticism..
Declaratory :: Declaratory (a.) Making declaration, explanation, or exhibition; making clear or manifest; affirmative; expressive; as, a clause declaratory of the will of the legislature..
Bocardo :: Bocardo (n.) A form of syllogism of which the first and third propositions are particular negatives, and the middle term a universal affirmative..
Affirmative :: Affirmative (n.) A word or phrase expressing affirmation or assent; as, yes, that is so, etc..
Negative :: Negative (a.) Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing assent; as, a negative answer; a negative opinion; -- opposed to affirmative..
Barbara :: Barbara (n.) The first word in certain mnemonic lines which represent the various forms of the syllogism. It indicates a syllogism whose three propositions are universal affirmatives.
#NAME? :: -ive () An adjective suffix signifying relating or belonging to, of the nature of, tending to; as affirmative, active, conclusive, corrective, diminutive..
Passage :: Passage (v. i.) In parliamentary proceedings: (a) The course of a proposition (bill, resolution, etc.) through the several stages of consideration and action; as, during its passage through Congress the bill was amended in both Houses. (b) The advancement of a bill or other proposition from one stage to another by an affirmative vote; esp., the final affirmative action of the body upon a proposition; hence, adoption; enactment; as, the passage of the bill to its third reading was delayed..
Assertive :: Assertive (a.) Positive; affirming confidently; affirmative; peremptory.
Universal :: Universal (a.) Forming the whole of a genus; relatively unlimited in extension; affirmed or denied of the whole of a subject; as, a universal proposition; -- opposed to particular; e. g. (universal affirmative) All men are animals; (universal negative) No men are omniscient..
Affirmative :: Affirmative (a.) That affirms; asserting that the fact is so; declaratory of what exists; answering yes to a question; -- opposed to negative; as, an affirmative answer; an affirmative vote..
Baroko :: Baroko (n.) A form or mode of syllogism of which the first proposition is a universal affirmative, and the other two are particular negative..
Subcontraries :: Subcontrary (a.) Denoting the relation of opposition between the particular affirmative and particular negative. Of these both may be true and only one can be false.
Affirmative :: Affirmative (a.) Expressing the agreement of the two terms of a proposition.
Affirmatively :: Affirmatively (adv.) In an affirmative manner; on the affirmative side of a question; in the affirmative; -- opposed to negatively.
Particular :: Particular (a.) Forming a part of a genus; relatively limited in extension; affirmed or denied of a part of a subject; as, a particular proposition; -- opposed to universal: e. g. (particular affirmative) Some men are wise; (particular negative) Some men are not wise..
Yea :: Yea (adv.) Yes; ay; a word expressing assent, or an affirmative, or an affirmative answer to a question, now superseded by yes. See Yes..
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